Tuesday 8 November 2016

The Long March of Nigel Farage and the death of Tolerance...

I can tell you know who will go on Nigel farage`s march on the day of the High Cout ruling. It wont be the decent ordibary people he talks about. I can see the short cropped haired young men, chanting about getting their country back. There will members of Britain First, the flotsam and jetsam of the far Right the climate change deniers, the remnants of any far right conspiracy theorists of the last 30 years. There will be a small coterie around Nigel designed to have a few women, a few black faces but in the rest of the march there will be chants, there will be mocking of other ethnic groups, other sexualities , other life styles. Most of the people on the march will look the same, they will be out of touch and they will loath any progressive direction that we have moved in. It will be largely male...many of the men there will be misogynists. There will be racist banter on the march. I suspect that people from other races and ethnicities will be shouted at and told “Go Home” There will be choruses of “God Save the Queen” and the call to get their country back from the liberal elite. This march will be a microcosm of every prejudice every belief and every intolerant thought that has ever existed here.

There will also be people on this march taken in by those who use fear, loathing and poor self awareness. People who have been used by every authoritarian populist from Wilkes to Mosley and now to Farage. This is a long match to prejudice, division and exclusion. It is not a march to Sovereignty and Freedom. It does not get the country back it puts the country back to prejudice bullying and mockery. How the bullies from Mussolini to Mosley love to march.......

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