Monday 27 November 2017

Mondays thougjts on Advent under late Capitalism

Mondays thougjts on Advent under late Capitalism....And now its four weeks count down to Christmas. The power of the market has imposed the markets black Friday and on through cyber Monday to New Years day we experience the psychological, economic and ersatz pressure of a capitalist advent season.

At the bus stop Mervyn predicts a massive snow fall on Thursday. He tells me that the conditions reassemble those of 30 years ago. As Advent dawns and Brexit becomes unknowable ..Tories of the hard Brexit psychosis demand Christmas as a time to walk away..
As cyber Monday promises rain all over the country therapists prepare themselves for the rush in or the rush out of love. Those alone or without support dread the enforced family discourse of Christmas. The truth that only 25 % of us now live in a 'Janet and John' type family and that well over 20% live alone is denied and ignored. The political right moan of the decline of the family yet it is there policies on benefits and employment that makes family living more difficult.
The Christmas music has been playing in the pound shop for two weeks now and the pay day lenders are in full swing.

The Winter Solstice was a time of celebration it strengthened us for the long climb into Spring. The Romans had Saturnalia what else can we do at the the of the dark but celebrate and feast and enjoy ourselves. I am the old Pagan who seed thus more clearly as each Christmas comes. In the nearly 60 that I have seen there is still the inner child that loves shortbread; dates , Christmas pudding and yes Snow.

Yet the adult within me knows that the children of light born at Christmas may well be slaughtered by Easter and left hanging on Ygsdrasil, the cross under the bodhi tree or on the streets of Aleppo...the Christmas we celebrate us often an inner psychological one. For those who grew up experiencing domestic violence and abuse ..Christmas is not magical.. nor can it ever be. A saviour most apt for this time would be a saviour who saves us from saviours.. all things decay work out your own salvation and with it Christmas. For me it will always be Yule..and the child of light from the old Celtic Faith must be our own inner child born to a world where each and everyone is responsible for the world we live in and four those we lo

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