Wednesday 18 December 2019

Wednesday Political musing and thoughts upon the Labour Party

 The bitterness of losing Labour Mps breaks out as they project everything on to Jeremy Corbyn. They don't see how they project or displace many of their own actions upon him. Yet mysteriously they don't see their role in gradually damaging him in their ceaseless attacks about alleged anti semeticism. Yet the decline in the north began long ago, fed by Blairism and before. The words of Nye Bevan and the critique of centrism list in a pseudo trickle of neo liberalism. Corbyn inherited this deadly legacy and did not create it.
The Parliamentary Labour Party and our elected Councillors are representatives that come from the membership are are accountable to it. They should never forget that they are the servants and not the masters if ordinary party members. No one should have a job for life and each should be respected and re-selected prior to every election. Tony Benn long ago said that the role of a Socialist is that of an educator . The issue is to leed and not except a sacred axiom that the prejudices and outlook grown in late capitalism is biblical text. The centrists have long argued that they must reflect the created xenophobia transmitted to the mythical monolithic white working class as if the colour of the skin distinguished it from a working class made up of other ethnicities. In many cases the centrists are angry because the Labour Party has slipped away from them.
Blairism gave us a party of 200,000 members as opposed to a party of 500,000 through Corbyn. Since last Thursday 20,000 extra people have joined the party. We are not going to go back to Blairism.

The north will be taken back by community campaigning, the restoration of trust and the localisation of power. The old right wing CLPs of the North need reform and the involvement of the communities they come from. Socialism must be local, relevant and reflective of the people of the area. The parachuting in of Blairite centrists and the trickling doen of finance from the cities must be stopped. Empowerment comes from real devolution, power and money given to the smaller towns and rural areas . Socialism must be green, devolved and local. It must reflect the varied nature and diversity of both party and population. In Wales and Scotland there must be independent Labour Parties that reflect the nation's of the British Isles. The Labour Party must recognise where it came from and how it arose out of the areas and from the people of all ethnicities and identities that make up the British Isles. The Left must campaign, empower, educate and involve millions of our citizens. The centre of the Labour cannot simply expect to replace the Tory masters of the leave areas with themselves as masters. They fed the change and they must own their actions just as we on the left are reflecting and owning our part in the events of election day. I suspect that the answer lays in a female leadership and a northern base. It is indeed interesting that the Murdoch press is already championing the candidature of Jess Phillips and Lisa Nandy. With them it champions the socially conservative views of Blue Labour where the docile working class are taught to touch their caps while simultaneously staying in strict binary discrete categories of ethnicity, sexuality and identity. As we look at you Jess as you laugh with your friend Jacob Rees Mogg we see that he knows that you know and want us all to know our place as to be docile workers just educated to work and not be critical thinkers. It's quite clear Jess what you are after ....and it's not going to happen it's our party and not yours. it?

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