Saturday 24 October 2015

Nietzsche, Sartre Heidegger and me...Human all too Human..... my last eight years......

I think from about January you are going to hear a great deal from me concerning the politics of Wales and the UK as a whole. However till then I want to try and explain the philosophical ideas that underpin and explain how I got to this point There are three individual Philosophers who stand out and these are Neitzche, Heidegger and Sartre.
My story is controversial and many will think that they know all about me, what has happened to me , what I am like and what the true nature of my personality is. There is much to read if you glance around the internet, talk to my friends, my detractors and my political foes. So between now and January I want to explain about the ideas that have kept me sane
Some eight years ago, I got divorced, went through bankruptcy , went through a dramatic decline in my material life and went from owning three houses to zero. My life mirrored the national Economy and out of the wreck stepped a new self, and just when I least expected it I met someone and formed a relationship that has been more significant than any other . It was the lightening bolt that to quote “brought out the best and the worst I could be”
I have long believed that while scientific knowledge is very useful and while despite this utility, it does not produce the most important kind of Knowledge. While we benefit from knowledge about atoms, radio waves , this information did not help me understand my human concerns. Perhaps it was Edmund Husserl who helped me understand this, who helped me consider myself a phenomenologist. I grasped that the “experiencing of” rather than the thing being experienced or on myself as a person having the experience. This “experiencing of “ created a new form of knowledge for myself that was unthinkable to science. Husserl rescued for me everyday experiences from the reductive limitations of Science and taught me a new and radical method of finding knowledge. This approach inspired me in many ways and I began to search amongst the many thinkers who felt that the scientific approach to the world was impoverished and partial. It was at this point I started reading Neitzche, Heidegger and Sartre.
Heidegger taught me that science was impoverished and that the entire Philosophical tradition was misdirected. To him, we must return to the fundamental mystery of existence Ever since Plato philosophers have been asking questions about the world – they have overlooked its most important fact. Namely that the world exists. They did not ask the question What is, is?.
Philosophers have said the following things, the world is made of our mental structures, the world is a phenomenon of our experience, the world is made of chaos and power, the world is a copy of a perfect realm, the world is the creation of God and finally that the world is a mathematical harmony.
I realised trying to read Heidegger that before anything else, any knowledge, any event or thing the world exists. Before any human centred Philosophy can understand our global problems we must challenge the the historical-philosophical prejudice of Descartes.. “I think therefore I am”.
I saw that Descartes “thinking thing” symbolise all the metaphors we use to think about ourselves as individuals Notions such as the soul, the self, the agent and the individual. This all gives rise to an egotistical way of thinking. By looking at ourselves as some sort of thinking thing we implicitly place ourself, both individually and collectively at the centre of the world. To put it bluntly I realised that we were saying everything exists for us. Or perhaps one type of being, a human being, believes that all of being exists for it.
Rather than recognising our place within the world , our status as being one being amongst all other beings, we have turned the world into something that exists for and because of the thinking thing we are. Lets call it technology. I inverted Descartes “I am therefore I think” . I became a Green activist.


  1. I think you would also appreciate Wittgenstein, Martyn.

  2. because of his associations with the nazis and his apparent anti semitism heidegger is not an easy person for progressives to write about. his reputation has taken a battering in recent years, and rightly so.

    From a purely philosophical standpoint he had some very interesting things to say about matters like 'being and time' - but do his political associations render his philosophical insights meaningless? a real dilemma!
