Tuesday 1 December 2015

The rider on the pale horse and of an old faith

We are being bounced to War I wish the simplistic message that we are given by our Leaders makes us all reflect. We never have bombed anyone into submission, every intervention we have ever made has led to a worsening situation. The civilians who will die in this war are people like us. They will be the children you see everyday, your neighbours your friends, The problem is many will not think about it for a while, they will be hypnotised for a short time by the media, the neo-liberal politicians, the Manchurian candidate himself, David Cameron and the baying of UKIP. In a few short months the repulsion to the vote for War will be immense and once more many will realise they have been fooled, distracted, taken in while the military industrial complex, pours weapons into the world and tells us it just about jobs. 

I know that the repulsion will become because deep ,deep down we know we think of our child , the children of our friends and neighbours. the children we see in the supermarket. We deny the source the meat we eat everyday but refuse to seeing the pictures of the slaughter houses, the starving in the third world, the fact that 1% dominate us all and that land, property and control rest here. We deny that our elites sell arms, prop up dictators, and deny climate change. We blame the poor, we see the scrounger everywhere, we divide those who have so much in common and we are divided and conquered..what does it take to wake us up? I think of my Grandfather signing up to fight in World War 1 and the soldiers who are just doing their job...what does it take,?

I am sustained by many faiths and beliefs...they sustain me at times like this. And then I think of the fifty or so Labour MPs who will vote for bombing. I hope they can sleep, that one day like all politicians who send young men to war and bomb civilians that one day they regret it ..when will they ever learn? Its time for a renewal of an old faith, its time to have confidence in our own abilities to change things, right new laws and outlooks for ourselves and our communities. The faith of a better world is carried by individuals across sections of the Labour party and the Green party, the Ecosocialist of Plaid and numerous smaller groups, community organisations and individuals, All adventures dominated by the flag lead to disaster and repulsion...and there is an alternative.

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