Tuesday 21 February 2017

A Metaphor for our time

I am still looking at the hard faces of IDS, Chris Paul Nuttal and their ilk who convinced the elctorate us to back brexit.I remember who they are, what they represent and what they and I feel sick.Wales without EU funding will be poorer.more desperate more isolated as these idiots lead us to the abyss. Farage pied piper like leads the poor, the disadvantaged, the isolated and the opressed to greater abuse, mistreatment and exploitation by the multinationals , the rich and the uncaring. I was 17 at the last referendum on Europe. I shall be 58 at the last one but as I look at them I see the UKIP man who urinated in the pensioners Garden in Soke. And then I see it as a metaphor for what will be next and I remember the quote " I have never seen anything as ugly as a man without compassion,,,behold the Thatcherite revolution lumbers up

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