Wednesday 30 August 2017

Of Russian Trolls, Kippers and enantiodromia..

Of Russian Trolls, Kippers and enantiodromia..

I hear on Radio 4 that hundreds of UKIP supporters have been retweeting a message from a Russian Troll who supports Vladimir Putin. They claim they did not know that the Russian Troll really lives in the Home Counties and that they would not do anything as unpatriotic as that however I remember Nigel Farage and his successor Suzanne Davies prising Mr Putin as a patriotic leader worthy of respect. Odd that UKIP in its death throes should have all these links with's quite an enantiodromia from the 1950s the spiritual home of the myth of the kipper. 

Mind you I notice that Mr Putin has become a keen supporter of established religion, has promoted homophobia, repealed domestic violence legislation and promoted nationalism and authoritarian leadership. Perhaps the attraction of Russian trolls who support a right wing agenda have a certain resonance with the remnants of Kippers. In the USA links with the right and Russia equally strikes a resonant tone. Trump's Russian links begin to look interesting as praise is heaped upon Putin by the alt Right...what would Ayn Rand do.. it's quite amusing. 

It was Carl Jung who described the movement from one thing to its opposite. He called this enantiodromia and when we consider the communist witchcrase of the 1950s with the position of the alt right today we can see how apt was Jung's term. We have moved from one thing to its opposite. Putin was working with the old Stalinist Stassi i in East Germany when the Berlin Wall fell today he works with the praise of the alt right ringing in his ears, and the appreciation of Donald Trump and the investigation of Russian links and interference into the American election. Odd then that Mr Putin should be such a keen supporter of Brexit....odd that, very odd you might think that but I could not possibly comment..what goes on in Golden lifts and in paranoid minds is most Mr Farage.?...

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