1933 again as the Groundhog of history shivers besides me....you want it darker?
The chill of Weimar begins. Britain First tells protesters to stay
away from politicians of the right like Jacob Rees Mogg. They are told
that Britain First knows who they are, where they work and where they
live. Mogg's own minder strikes a young woman protestor in the face. We
all know why Britain First defends the right and we all know that groups
like them indoctrinate vulnerable young people who are victims of the
very system that enslaved them . They become puppets to d
the Moggs of the world who wi cut their benefits, destroy their public
services and condemn them to low paid poorly skilled work.

Thete are those who claim equivalence between the far right and the
left. In the end tbey simply defend the status quo and the inequality if
the system. The "liberals" and the "libertarains" in the end up
supporting the right as effectively as the Liberal Democrats did in
supporting austerity and benefit cuts as they did in the coalition
government of 2010. One so called libertarian last night runs away when
I challenge him to say if he would allow or support the right of a Nazi
to advocate Holacaust promotion or for fascists to march through a
Jewish or Islamic area. He would not comment or did not know the
significance of Cable street in 1936. Marcus Aurelius long ago said
"dont ask what a person says tbey are; ask what they do" my fine
"libertarian friend" who told me I was pulling *a tiger by the
tail*...turns our to be a neutered lap cat of the far right to all
intents and purposes. The choice is clear if you are not part of the
solution you are part of the problem....i have already over the last two
years had threats from keyboard warriors of the fat right.. the nature
of the beast is revealed so easily and small protests from the left
against the right is never the same...not even similar...the chill in my
bones does not purely arise from the coming February chill..its 1933
again as the Groundhog of history shivers besides me....
They're lining up the prisoners
And the guards are taking aim
I struggled with some demons
They were middle class and tame
I didn't know I had permission to murder and to maim
Last night one a certain Neath "Neath Libertarain" sneaked into the group. On Sunday I
challenged him on the issue of whether he thought we should allow Nazis
to march through Jewish area proclaiming their policies on the
Holacaust. Chris is fond of saying that the anti racist protests are the
same as the far right. When I challenged him he 'ran away" Like so many
snowflake right wingers he can hand it out but becomes a cry baby when
challenged himsel
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