Dear Neil McEvoy your latest comments about women are so revealing. You clearly think that genetalia determines if we are either male or female . Its clear thst you dont understand what is meant by sex gender and sexuality. What you claim is rather like saying men are simply 'pricks' mind you I certainly know a few Neil... You have revealed so much about yourself and your misogyny. Your comment that in the future " that the future ability of Assembly members will be judged simply by a count of their genetalia" shows us what you think of women.
Your attack on domestic violence charities, your claims of bullying by women and your growing links with Jac o the North with his raves about " wimmin; greenies and lefties " his rants about trans gender activists shows us Neil what your inner psyche feels about women. It's time tbat Plaid expelled you and then you can go on to lead this monstrosity of the new right wing nationalist party of Wales. Be gone Neil I am ashamed that you share my gender.. I have heard raves like this many times before.. it's usually said by men men who bully women.. I had hoped that this did not describe you..and I still hope it..only those who know you and have known you closely could answer that question .what does your soul tell you Mr McEvoy?
I would love to are on the path that so many old bitter right wing men take..hating the other but really hating are even using the alt right phrase ' virtue signelling' . You are raving about immigrants you are suffering the fate Neil of all right wing I said before it's been trod by Mosley: Powell and now McEvoy.. history tells the truth Neil please read it and try some Psychotherapy..
Women are considered deep - why? Because one can never discover any bottom to them. Women are not even shallow.
Friedrich Nietzsche
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Women are considered deep - why? Because one can never discover any bottom to them. Women are not even shallow.
Friedrich Nietzsche
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