Thursday, 5 March 2020

The lost pubs of Swansea

I have measured out my last 45 years visiting these pubs it was a shock to see virtually every memory, political, personal and dramatic now condemned to history. I caught myself this morning musing on these pubs upin who had been there with me, what was said and what happened next. These are the days of memories now and there is a bitter sweet sadness over some of them and an ecstatic celebration in others. The interludes in bars and pub gardens run back to 1976 and as late as 2008 in others. 

The decline of these pubs measures many things. They represent the destruction of community and the semi independent landlord. These are mirrored in the rise of the large company creating bland identical meals prepared by micro wave I all its glory.
"I grow old, I grow old I shall wear the bottoms of my trousers rolled" T S Eliot calls out to me as the bus reaches Godre Craig. These pubs take part of my history with them and with it a generations memory. I shake myself out if a maudlin mood and look out of the's March and Spying is coming...farewell the Rhyddings, the Cricketers, the Singleton, the Rohin Hood. And many more...all things decay work out your own salvation with diligence ..

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