Monday 27 June 2016

From A Green Socialist to a Labour Socialist

I have great empathy and understanding for Jeremy Corbyn at this moment. I experienced a very similar event some 11 years ago. You learn about who is really on your side, you find great personal strength within and you realise who has and who has not any real understanding of what is going on. Events last year after the general election made me realiuse just how little people on the left really fail to understand how individual psychology and personal lack of perception blinds people to the collective nature of a political party. The friends that supported me during that period 11 years ago and this time last year when a witch hunt began over a friend of mine  you have  have my universal respect, effect and care. The question we all must keep is the faith we share in our political tradition and in our self awreness. I support you Jeremy in your unwavering faith in Socialism, animal rights and love of the cultral differences we all share. I salute yoiu as a Socialist from another party and wish you well. Perhaps this alchemical moment is a prelude to left realignment and the building of a mighty force for EcoEco-socialism. There will be many false messiahs, many ignorant little boys of all ages many careerists to be aware of and avoided. Good luck and maintain the faith.

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