However as I write this I glance over from the main entrance of the hospital I see a "Costa,* and a "Subway * providing fast food and coffee. I ask myself why this cannot be provided in house by the NHS, that could plow the money made back into the NHS itself rather than the corporate coffers of shareholders? Blair's PFI deals were bad enough, expensive and gobbled up resources. These PFI deals are obscene and offer nothing to a health service commited to the citizens of the UK. We must build a preventative health service to best allocate healing and recovery. The market mechanism offers nothing to the sick, wounded and's logic is simply that only the productive are valuable and the rest are a burden. It offers no value to wisdom, experience and belonging. It's obscene.
So life expectancy has ground to a halt. For men it's 79 and for women 83. When did it stop rising ...erm 2010...austerity began that year...the same year as the what does that tell you? Oh well that gives me 20 years ...on with the resistance...
The black swans of Brexit are landing. Inflation is rising, wages are suppressed . The implications are clear, the events are unfolding , I told you so, I told you so did you get your country back?
fascinating use of Gramscian ideas. Gramscian speaks to us 80 years
after his death as Masson describes the events and significance of June
Marxist Antonio Gramsci understood that before taking power, the left
must disrupt and defy common sense – just as Labour defeated the
proposition that…