Friday, 17 March 2017

Bullying as the sub text of Right wing politics

The predication of bullying is the sub text of all right wing politics . Some who claim to be right wing may even be unaware of it. Some unconsciously are unaware others are aware but choose not to see it. You often see it revealed it certain conversations on Social media. They project and displace their bullying on to others. They use words like snowflake , they allege that their views are subject to the bias of the left. And yet they cannot see that their individual psyches are subject to a collective control by an establishment. In defending the false right wing views they simply deny the truth and use words like Libtard and SJW. The alt right is quite clever and know this. Those unaware do not see any of it and every individual idea they claim simply maintains the status qua...The mixture of denial,mockery and simplistic solutions are used over and over again and still they claim to be individual and clever and yet you can predict everything thing they will say and do....And the predication of the bully is always there, seen or unseen, consciously or unconsciously ...And still it's unknown to them....or at best most of them ..

I am grateful to Ben D'Busse for pointing the following terms often used by the unconscious bully. Simplistic Bullies. Use silly phrases:
Take Back Control,Breaking Point,Look after your own,Get over it.
Farage, arrogant bully - not an insult, an accurate assessment of his character”. The following is a response I received to an earlier blog piece it illustrates all that has been said so far 

"How many TRAITORS do we have in Neath or on this from?
. Reason for my asking is that if I am quite proudly a TWATRIOT as it is a twisting of the word 

PATRIOT. . By extension someone who is not a TWATRIOT must be a TWATTRAITOR. . SO AGAIN I ASK HOW MANY TRAITORS ARE THERE ON THIS FORUM. . If you do not love your country and want it ruled by another regimen then you are a TRAITOR to your country. ?

Here are some terms used by the alt right. If you look carefully you will see them used by the moderate Right wingers in Social media. call them out and shame them if you see them

The general world view of the alt-right. But how can you identify someone who considers themselves part of it? Like most groups, the alt-right has its own code words and slang. Here are some terms they use, and other hallmarks to look out for
Beta: Members of the alt-right are obsessed with masculinity, manhood, gender roles and the concept of "alpha" and "beta" males. Alpha males are leaders, like Trump; beta males are portrayed as weak and emasculated.
Crybaby, whiny: Anyone who disagrees with them or their preferred candidate, particularly protesters and people who complain that the alt-right is embracing racism and anti-Semitism.

Cuckservative, cuck: The term "cuckservative" originated in the alt-right. It's a portmanteau of "conservative" and "cuckold" used to describe Republicans who are perceived to be emasculated or "selling out." Frequently shortened to "cuck," the term has come under scrutiny for its racist implications.
Human biodiversity: Despite the fact that many say racism is at the heart of its platform, the alt-right is very sensitive about being called racist. They use the termhuman biodiversity as a more scientific-sounding way of referring to issues of race.

Libtard: The alt-right revels in the rejection of "political correctness," so embracing an outdated term for a person with an intellectual disability ("retard") serves the purpose of insulting liberals.

Masculinist: A word meant to embody the opposite of feminist, celebrating “manliness” and the traditional “heroic” nature of men. To the alt-right, "masculinist" principles are ones that serve and advocate for men. Critics say they primarily reinforce antiquated gender roles.
Multiculturalism (as a derogatory term): A major component of the alt-right platform is white supremacy and nationalism. "Multiculturalism" is used as a negative term for the blending of multiple cultures, as opposed to celebrating the supposed superiority of Western European culture. . Often used as shorthand for policies that benefit immigrants and people of color.

Neoreactionaries: Also known as NRx and the "Dark Enlightenment." A group of people who call for stripping away anything other than supposedly rational thought, as opposed to a “feelings first” mentality. They advocate for libertarianism, traditional gender roles and neofascism.
Political correctness: Anything that challenges an alt-right person's right to say whatever they want, whenever they want, in any way they want to say it. According to the alt-right, political correctness is responsible for most of society's ills, including feminism, Islamic terrorism and overly liberal college campuses.
Snowflake: Short for "special snowflake," a pejorative for an entitled person. 

Most people protesting Trump are "snowflakes," according to the alt-right, as are anti-Trump celebrities and most liberals.
SJW: Short for "social justice warrior," this insult is mostly reserved for young women who try to argue on behalf of liberal or feminist ideas.

White genocide: What many alt-right members feel is the natural conclusion of liberalism and pro-immigrant policies. The alt-right views just about anything that benefits nonwhite people, particularly ones who aren't American citizens, as a risk to whiteness and a step on the road to the eradication of the white race.

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