the last few weeks I have been contacted by several worried individuals who are
supporters of the Welsh National Movement.
Strangely one of those concerned individuals pointed out a link which
has now vanished. It was the Twitter
account of one Paul Fear, the Alt Right sympathiser who was involved in the
twitter account of Yes Cymru in Newport. He stated recently he was not going to
post on Twitter anymore because it doesn’t allow 'free speech' and that he was
going to open account on the far right platform Gabai. I have worked out that he seems to have been
involved in the Newport Yes Cymru twitter because - while it’s a very inactive
page that they have shared some of his tweets and worryingly they refer to him
as a 'local supporter'.
all you get now when you go to this twitter is this https://twitter.com/worktop64 and a message saying
this page doesn’t exist so obviously his backing for the Alt Right and Islamophobia
and Prince Tommy Robinson and oddly are notvisible any longer. This doesn’t change the fact that Yes Cymru
supporters in Newport were being hopelessly naive - and irresponsible even - by
allowing a rabid Far right neo Fascist sympathizer into their ranks.
This clearly has echoes of the
Port Talbot Facebook Yes Cymru page and twitter. The Yes Cymru accounts and my strong
suspicions suggest that are that they may be being managed by a notorious former Welsh EDL
supporter. My suspicions are that
whoever it was that it was clearly not straight forward. Oddly in June the admin of the page posted that they had to 'go
away' and since then twitter and fb have been inactive. However since then a new name has appeared on this page and the following image may suggest a unique association with an indual who described himself with the colourful phrase `once a skinhead always a skinhead`
Recently it was revealed by a gleeful Jac o`
the North on his blog that four left leaning people had been voted off the Yes
Cymru's national committee. I notice too
that Yes Cymru twitter accounts across Wales are always posting information
from Neil McEvoy that doyen of feminism and user of an Alt Right jargon. Interestingly they are often critical of
Leanne Wood, and this seems rather odd given that she is the Leader of a party
which campaigns for Independence for Wales. Of course she also happens to be a left wing feminist and socialist,
which is a capital offence to the likes of that old broflake Jac of the Deep
South who promotes a Steve Bannon video upon the banner of his blog. His latest rave on Cultural Marxism and he
put its clear shows that he dreams of a Welsh right wing state through the discourse of a Welsh speaking UKIP lite
As I am someone who has always strongly
supported Welsh devolution and Independence and I would always welcome
non-party campaigns for Welsh Independence.
However, I am very concerned that individuals with Far Right connections
are trying to infiltrate Yes Cymru and gain a foothold in the Welsh national
movement, in fact the piece in Nation Cymru a few Fridays ago about the far
right echoes this justifiable fear
There are clear signs of a possible right turn
by Yes Cymru that may be found in the purge of left wingers from its national
committee. It also looks like there is a
concerted effort going on by supporters of Jac's new party - Ein Gwlad - to seize
control of Yes Cymru. Ein Gwlad's
political leanings are obvious in the policy document that I have recently
seen. Jac's open support for Victor Orban and Steve Bannon. While the Welsh Alt rights James Marshall
Henton-Llewellyn is one of the three signatories to Ein Gwlad's constitution
document. I have also been told that Neil McEvoy is working closely with people
in Yes Cymru and Ein Gwlad to undermine and denigrate Leanne Wood on social
It’s clear what is going on
here – there’s a concerted attempt by people with Alt Right and Far Right
leanings to shift politics in Wales to the political right. And while Rhun Ap Iorwerth and Adam Price are
not Right wing they are making approving noises about being willing to work
with the Tories and are copying the populism of the mode of Donald
Trump. A defeat for Leanne Wood in
September will mean that Plaid will shift to the right. It’s quite ironic as
the Welsh Labour party shifts to the left with its likely vote for OMOV.( One member one vote)
It is indeed disturbing that
my contacts have pointed out the increasingly lynch mob tactics of certain Yes
Cymru members amongst whom was a former Plaid Cymru Council candidate in
Swansea. I have increasingly seen naive questions on Yes Cymru sites from
people about the support of a branch of the Welsh Identitarians for Welsh
independence. I wonder how aware they
are of the flirtations of Breton nationalists in the 1930s with the Nazi party
of Germany.
Wales has a long history of
progressive Socialism. It is the birth place of the NHS, of devolution and of
the welfare state. I fear that some very foolish naive people would be content
with an independent Welsh right ring state.
These young fools aided by bitter old broflakes of the North risk the
creation of a deadly alchemy that will toxify the quest for an independent
Republican Ecosocialist Welsh state.
I found these observations from Nicolas Glais on social media most interesting and a valuable complement to my observations `
I feel a sense of unease I hear so many males claiming support for an
Independent Wales use the jargon of the Alt Right. I see amongst others Neil McEvoy uses the
term “virtue signalling”, “SJW” and now “Manplan.” These are vile words they have nothing to do
with the proud Celtic tradition of respect between men and women, for the
understanding of the rich tapestry of sexuality that humans experience. When I see an Assembly Member use these terms
I feel sick. Because I know what
attitudes. Psychology and misogyny that
is within those who use these words. I
have seen the abuse from trolls in this Plaid leadership election and it
damages the reputation of Cymru. For those
who don’t know these terms I will explain……
Jac`s blog recently raved likr a Trumup fanatic of the Rust Belt about the fusion of Cultural Marxism and Colonialism. I have never seen a worse example of mixwd metaphors, ignorance of terminology and an abject ignorance of mutually incompatibe tems and approaches.
Alt Right speech terms o`the North
Woman: Do you need me to show you how
to cook the food before I
Fred: I see George has changed his
profile picture to show his support for refugees.
Barbara: Has he donated
money or time? Is he giving English lessons? Is he making a room available?
Fred: No, no, he's just virtue signaling.
Social Justice Warrior.
A pejorative term for an individual who repeatedly and vehemently engages in
arguments on social justice on the Internet, often in a shallow or not
well-thought-out way, for the purpose of raising their own personal
reputation. A social justice warrior,
or SJW, does not necessarily strongly believe all that they say, or even care
about the groups they are fighting on behalf of. They typically repeat points from whoever is
the most popular blogger or commenter of the moment, hoping that they will
"get SJ points" and
become popular in return. They are very
sure to adopt stances that are "correct" in their social circle.
The SJW's favorites activity
of all is to dogpile. Their favorite websites to frequent are
Livejournal and Tumblr. They do not have
relevant favorite real-world places, because SJWs are primarily civil
rights activists only online.
These words are all pejorative. They do down progressive thinkers and above
all they are words used by the reactionary, the conservative and of men who
fear women. They are put downs and are about power and mockery.
Hayek o`the North
Jac`s new party
Ein Gwlad's lauds the economic and political
philosophy of Hayek and adds to my sense of anxiety and worry. It was Margaret Thatcher
whose Hayek inspired economic policy destroyed the Welsh economy and culture in
the 1980s. It laid waste the communities of South Wales destroying as it came
jobs and people. It`s bad enough that the young Jac has a Steve Bannon
interview on the banner of his blog. It leaves no doubt exactly what and where
the loyalties of the new party. It shows that is from the stable of the Alt
Right and populist Right of the ilk. It comes from the birthparents of Victor
Oban and the Law and Justice crypto fascist parties of Eastern Europe.
i notice that since the publication of this article on Thursday August 23 that Cymru Nation published this hopeful and tolerant outlook for a progressive Wales https://nation.cymru/opinion/to-win-independence-we-need-to-win-hearts-and-minds/
`We are experiencing a significant groundswell of support for an
independent Wales at present. Plaid Cymru’s leadership contest has put
independence front and centre. The growth of YesCymru has widened the
debate away from party politics and brought thousands of normal,
everyday people to the cause. We have Labour for Indy Wales striving to
win hearts and minds within their party and social media stars like
Neville Southall, Dai Lama and the Barry Horns have spread the word to
their tens of thousands of followers. And more recently we have also
seen special interest groups, such as Welsh Football Fans for
Independence and Welsh Rugby Fans for Independence spring up too.
The overwhelming majority of those who currently support an
independent Wales dream of an inclusive country built on the foundations
of civic and cultural nationalism. A country where anyone who wants to
be Welsh, who wants to contribute to their community and to the broader
nation, can be Welsh, no matter where they were born, the colour of
their skin, their gender or sexuality. An outward looking country that
is richer, fairer, cleaner and more dynamic than that in which we
currently live.
This is in stark contrast to the toxic, ugly British Nationalism that
this month’s election of Gareth Bennett as leader of UKIP in Wales
brought to our front pages. The xenophobic, exclusive, navel-gazing
nationalism that he and his party embody is the antithesis of what we
stand for.
it must be acknowledged, however, that some outside the independence
movement see it as largely (or exclusively) driven by jingoistic
anti-English sentiment, a view not helped by some of last week’s
invective regarding plans to dump mud from Hinkley B in Welsh coastal
We must be very careful not to feed this view with our words and deeds.
Our battle is against unionism, British Nationalism and the British
State, imperialism and power concentrated in Westminster. It is with
those who see Wales as a region of, or no different to, England. Those
who through ignorance or arrogance seek to denigrate, destroy and
assimilate our unique language and culture.
Our battle is not against England or the English, or indeed any other
nation or people. We mustn’t fall into the “Britishness as a synonym
for Englishness” trap in reverse. Those who see Wales as we see it – an
ancient land, an often voiceless people who are beginning to stir and
demand better, a proud, inclusive, independent nation-in-waiting – are
our friends, not our enemies, to be embraced, not pushed away.
YesCymru is a grassroots movement, made up of thousands of normal,
everyday people who all want to see an independent, sovereign Wales,
sooner rather than later. YesCymru’s devolved nature is its greatest
strength, though like any such movement it can present its own
challenges, in particular in presenting this positive message in a
consistent manner. Language is important. In order to win independence
we need to win hearts and minds. We cannot afford to alienate people
with lazy rhetoric. Instead, we need to be unrelenting with our
positive, inclusive and aspirational message of how life in an
independent Wales will be better for all.
Thermidor in Plaid
You may remember that the
plotters around Leanne Wood burst from their bonds the minute she tried to put
some substance and clarity in Plaid's schizoid position on Nuclear power.
Young Rhunactive Ap Nuclear
managed to get his nomination in within 12 hours most as if long planned with
supporters forewarned. I also note with
interest that one Vicky Moller devotee of Greens for Plaid and Daily Telegraph
expert on the buy to let mortgage asked on the Nation Cymru...what's wrong with
Nuclear power? Went on to argue that
Nuclear power is a real renewable and Green option. In an Independent Wales the role of standard
renewables would clearly redefined as to include a new industry…one wonders if
a nuclear subtext is being wielded as a dagger for Leanne on the ides of
July…or some future month. You would
have to have a suspicious mind to link these two worthies and ambition...but
then you might that but I couldn’t possibly comment.
It's also very interesting to
link the raves of the Broflake of the North bitter old Jac. Jac is always moaning about " greenies,
lefties and wimmin" and laying in to Leanne Wood. I notice now to how the
young narcissist the Layman is similar in his criticism. And as that champion of women's rights Neil McEvoy
sets up an organisation called in a saintly Freudian way "Propel" has
a meeting at which Mr. Niccolls former UKIP staffer is spotted alongside others
with former "Welsh Skinhead" Chris Piper of the Welsh Defense
League...of course none of these events have anything to do with the causation
of the plot. Perhaps correlation might
be more of an effective link.
Neil's organization “Propel” or
as I prefer to call it "Repel" are keen supporters of alt right
terminology like "virtue signaling" and are keen accusers of domestic
violence charities that have bullied and abused men. One might speculate that in a Plaid led by
Rhunactive Ap Nuclear would Neil McEvoy exile be cut in length?...you might
think that but I could not possibly comment.
One must always reward supporters both direct and indirect I think that
a serious attempt, if my little birds are accurate that we are seeing an
attempt to move Plaid to the right I suspect that this is a serious attempt and
I warn Leanne Wood that this should not be underestimated. I wonder too if
successful coup would mean to the return of a certain member of the House of Lords
to the fold.
As Welsh Labour renews and
Momentum grows both Plaid and the Welsh Green Party should fear making dramatic
and tactical errors. A vibrant Eco
Socialist Plaid and an Independent Welsh Green Party could form a powerful coalition
with a Socialist Welsh Labour Party.
Momentum, the Welsh Greens and an Eco socialist Plaid have many points
of intersection and of political shared goals of outlook and aims.
I suspect that Rhunactive
would have interesting views on cooperation with the Welsh Tories. Any way it's nearly 30 degrees on the T6
heading towards Neath…Perhaps I hallucinate ...but you will have to decide
that....I measure it by how much abuse I get over social media…but hey
let's draw ourselves up and see what happens. I am going to have to tell you
more next week…beers in the garden call to me...oh these political dog days…of

I have always been interested in seeing what goes on behind the scenes, at the
things that I deny about myself and what others deny about themselves. Over the last 50 years or so it has led me to
some interesting places, people and ideas. A friend of mine bought me a copy of
the Pencourt File, it's a study of the Intelligence Services attempts to destabilize
the Wilson Government of 1974 to 1976.
When I was involved in a previous incarnation of political activity, I
read the magazine "Borderlands" which looked at the role the same
services role in their infiltration of the Radicals, the Left and the Green
There is an area where the secret state intersects with our paranoia and our
fears. The Left and all critical views
tends to attract to it a higher proportion of people who are suspicious,
egotistical and obsessive. Of course
this proportion is small but nevertheless there. Just recently I read a psychotherapy article
about that if you compare one hundred political activists with 100 non
political activists the non activists are significantly less neurotic. Anthony Starr’s book the Political Psyche is some
rich read indeed......but still there is no harm in a speculative flow of
Many of you will remember the series the Edge of Darkness from the 80s. I leave the rest to you...it may all be the
heat in the dog days of July…but please consider the following. First off the timing of Rhadioactive Rhun's
challenge for Plaids leadership is almost chilling. On 12 June he gave an interview in which he
explicitly ruled out challenging Leanne Wood for the leadership
Leanne Wood published a
list of pledges on her website including a very strongly worded pledge against
nuclear power and Wylfa B.
Within days of Leanne's pledge rumors start to
circulate Rhun Radioactive is reconsidering his position - and a couple of
weeks later he formally challenges her.
How his sudden about turn hasn’t been linked in the welsh media to
Leanne's strongly worded pledge on nuclear power is mystifying. It's clear those behind Wylfa B (Horizon
nuclear power and the British government) decided Leanne had to be challenged
after this pledge. Which begs the question is Rhun the Assembly member
for Ynys Mon or for Horizon nuclear power? Think we know the answer to that.
A couple of years ago Rhun - and the local
Labour MP Albert Owen accepted an all-expenses paid trip to japan from Horizon's
parent company Hitachi to see their nuclear facilities there https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-north-west-wales-27954336.
But one 'facility' they own they did not show him that
the nuclear reactor at Fukushima, which split open contaminating the ocean,
killing lots of fish and a few people and forcing hundreds of thousands of
people to flee their homes
A couple of months ago the Nuclear industry`s PR machine announced to much fanfare that the
new director of Horizon's operations at Wylfa B would be a certain Gwen
Parry-Jones OBE https://www.niauk.org/media-centre/member-news/new-leadership-boost-horizon/ The release
mentions her long track record in the nuclear industry - including stints in America
surprise surprise - and mentions she was the station director of Heysham
nuclear power station in Lancashire. What it doesn’t mention is that Heysham
had to be shut down THREE times while she was director due to faults being
found https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-lancashire-31016226
A grim track record which doesn’t inspire much
confidence in her with regards to how safe Wylfa B will be. Of course
despite all the pro nuclear propaganda appearing in the British and Welsh
media about Wylfa B there’s no mention of where in Wales the poisonous waste it
will produce will be buried. In fact, no one has a clue where it will be dumped
because not a single local authority in Wales has said they will accept any of
Wylfa B radioactive waste.
Furthermore, if Wylfa B goes ahead I want you to imagine
an independent Wales before Wylfa B is decommissioned in 35 years’ time -
it would bankrupt Wales. The cost of cleaning up decommissioned nuclear power
stations is enormous, the cost of cleaning up Sellafield is 70 BILLION
POUNDS. There’s no way any future Welsh
state could afford to pay that. So
if Wylfa B goes ahead people can probably say goodbye to Wales ever
becoming independent, which makes the strong support for Wylfa B from Plaid's
Rhun Ap Iorwerth all the more bizarre.
Finally, perhaps the key to all of this - to Wylfa B,
to the actions of Nuclear lackeys like Rhun and others is that the
UK government has pledged to underwrite Wylfa B to the tune of an estimated 15
billion pounds. A massive figure and
which shows a) how desperate certain groups are that Wylfa B goes
ahead and b) that without a massive public subsidy.
Wylfa B is completely untenable. Clearly these dark forces - the dark forces
which make up the secret state - need to be assured of a supply of Plutonium
for nuclear warheads and we all know that they get plutonium from the
production process of nuclear reactors.
Now of course no one in the media talks about this - Wylfa B has to go
ahead and any potential threats to it as Leanne Wood clearly is
and has to be dealt with. And at
the moment is trying to topple her or at least seriously weaken her as Plaid
But it’s clear powerful and shadowy forces are moving
against Leanne Wood, powerful and shadowy forces she sadly seems unaware of to
judge by her recent call to her supporters for a 'positive campaign' and not to
attack her leadership rivals. How naive
she is. Like Caesar she is
surrounded by treachery and enemies but she sadly seems unaware or perhaps
now with a month to go is waking up to the threat.
An obvious apologist of the nuclear power industry has
been deployed to try and topple her and so has Adam Price who had disappeared
from politics for six years to study at an elite American university and who
despite trying to get a US President charged with war crimes never seems to
have any difficulty getting in and out of the United States. He even launched his campaign against Leanne
Wood from America where he’s been on a lengthy holiday. Of course her challengers will have no
difficulty in getting lots of coverage in a compliant media for their campaigns
- as we know the media will be used by the secret state to deal with anyone
perceived to be a threat to the status quo and Leanne Wood certainly is a
threat to the secret state and to the nuclear power and nuclear weapons lobby.
I am indebted for much of this to the help of Welsh anti-nuclear
activists in putting together the article,
It is indeed shocking that Westminster should be
able to decide that a monstrous nuclear power station is going to be placed in
in Wales - all energy matters should be devolved to the Welsh Assembly. I suggest you read in detail the following
piece before you rush to welcome Nuclear Power. Chris Busby is not everyone’s
cup of tea but his research on cancer rates should be looked at seriously…Here
is the link for his fascinating article…it’s well worth a read
Adam “Blair” Price and his dreams of a “New”
Before I conclude these lengthy speculations I must
make some final observations on young Adam Adam makes much of asking the
question why Plaid has not followed the rise of the SNP. I would respectively
remind him that the SNP grew exponentially because they came at the pre-Corbyn
Scottish Labour from the Left and not the right. He would be foolish to forget
this fact. It is quite clear that the right in Wales is a crowded field. Plaid
is staring in the abyss if it moves to the right. As Welsh Labour moves to the
Left and Momentum grows he might reflect upon he risk of a severe and
destructive strategic mistake.
Interestingly enough Adam will not rule
out cooperation with the Tory Party in Wales. The Tory party nearly destroyed
Wales nearly forty years ago. It declared war on miners and steel workers
conquering Wales and leaving it a desert. It is clear why Leanne Wood in an
email to supporters in Plaid argued the following. She stated
“My answer
is this – as long as I am Leader of Plaid Cymru, we will not sign a deal that
allows Conservatives to play any part in the Welsh government.
I give this answer for several reasons.
First, any talk of coalition with Tories, or even leaving the door open
to that idea, would undermine our election chances. All the available evidence
from polling and voter attitudes in Wales points to a deep distrust by Plaid
Cymru supporters and our potential supporters of Tory involvement in our
national institutions.
We only have to look at the fate of the Liberal Democrats following
their coalition with the Tories to know that the damage can be overwhelming and
the effects long-lasting. I want to lead Plaid Cymru to success, not reduce us
to a rump.
Second, even if the electoral math’s suggested that a Tory / Plaid
coalition was feasible, the policy differences would not provide for a stable
government. Would a Plaid Cymru Government have to agree to “right-to-buy”
legislation, depriving families of social housing? Would the Tories insist on
cutting income tax, putting even more pressure on stretched services after a
decade of austerity? How would such a government deal with the unexpected, like
the renaming of the second Severn crossing? That’s not to mention Brexit and
utterings by their former Welsh leader straight after the Brexit referendum
about people wanting to get rid of our assembly. This is not a future that I
want for Plaid Cymru and it is not, I believe, what our supporters want either.
Third, even our politicians talking about the possibility of having
Tories in the Welsh government with Plaid Cymru benefits both the Conservatives
and Labour. Labour has for years told their supporters that we would do a deal
with Tories to frighten them and prevent them from turning to Plaid. The fewer
people believe them, the more they cry wolf. Imagine what the effect would be
if we were to give credence to their claims.
It is no surprise that senior Tories have been talking up the idea of
working with Plaid Cymru. They understand that, without Plaid Cymru, they have
no route to government and therefore they will try to use us to become a
legitimate party of government.
Some argue that we should keep the possibility of dealing with the
Tories on the table to get a better deal with Labour. There is no point doing
that if a deal with Labour is not the aim. I am not seeking to do a deal with
the Labour party following the next election.
I was pleased to see the prominent Welsh Blog National Left make the simialr observations in the following link http://nationalleft.blogspot.com/2018/08/an-anti-labour-vote-is-not-good-for.html
When Adam says the that the Left is still stuck in 1983
he should remember the experience of Wales. He should also reflect on the rise
of the Corbynista Labour Party to a membership of over 800,000. He should
reflect on European parties in places like Portugal coming power and introducing
Corbynista economics in the process. He should reflect on the rise of Podemos
and Syriza in Greece. When he courts the populism of the Five Star in Movement
from Italy he should consider the experience of the Roma and migrants under
this tide of “populism”. He may also reflect upon the following link…..
What’s in a name?
Writing down a name makes
all the difference
Journalists are always told ‘names make news’.
This is certainly true with the call by Plaid Cymru leadership
contender Adam Price that the name of his party should be changed to the ‘New
Wales Party’.
It has attracted a huge number of headlines in the Welsh media and beyond
Unfortunately the extreme right got there first and Mr Price could have
made a rather hapless freudian slip.
No lessons should be learnt from Oswald Mosley’s
‘New Party’
In 1931 Oswald Mosley resigned from the Labour Party to set up his own ‘New
Party’ the following day.
It received £50,000 in funding from Lord Nuffield and launched a magazine
called Action.
A candidate for Mosley’s New Party stood against
Labour in the 1931 General Election in Merthyr Tydfil where he (and
it) attracted 10,834 votes, as well as securing a sizeable share at 30.6 per
The aim of Mr Price’s new party would be to attract votes too, also, in
all likelihood, in the South Wales valleys.
This and a ‘radical Welsh populism’ are key for Mr Price.
Adam Price wants to be
radical and popular
He said: “We need to create a radical Welsh populism
which turns the old Welsh story – a country mistreated, a people let down –
into a new Welsh story of optimism and hope”,
and added that the proposed name would signal that Plaid Cymru “is the party of Wales’ future”.
Mosley had said an almost identical thing when he created his own ‘New
Party’ – he predicted a golden future for Britain if voters opted for
his new organisation.
Will there be a new paper
for Adam Price’s party?
Yet the future for the New Party was not golden.
Gradually, it became more authoritarian, with parts of it (notably
its youth movement) adopting overtly fascist thinking.
In 1932 Mosley united most of the various fascist organisations in the
UK, forming the British Union of Fascists, into which the New Party
subsumed itself.
Mr Price said Plaid Cymru (or as he wants to call it the New
Wales Party) needed to learn from “popular outsider movements” ranging from Labour under Jeremy
Corbyn to Donald Trump’s election as US President, in order to capture the
imagination of people outside the party’s core support of “Welsh-identifying, left-of-centre voters”.
Some historical contexts and allusions for Thermidor
Thermidor (French pronunciation: [tɛʁmidɔʁ])
was the eleventh month in the French
Republican Calendar. The month was
named after the French word thermal which comes from the Greek word
"thermos" which means heat.
Thermidor was the second month of the summer
quarter (mois d'été). It started July 19 or 20. It ended August 17 or
18. It follows the Messidor and precedes the Fructidor.
During Year 2, it was sometimes called Fervidor.
Because of the Thermidorian
reaction—9 Thermidor Year II—the
overthrow of revolutionary radical Maximilien
Robespierre and his followers in that
month, the word "Thermidor" has come to mean a retreat from more
radical goals and strategies during a revolution, especially when caused by a
replacement of leading personalities.
This has been a very long piece. I am off on
holiday shortyly. So here are explanations of the subtle and not so subtle
references. I wish to avoid a Joycean problem of interpretation and allegory. What
you think or interpret is entirely up to you. I could not possibly comment..it`s
really up to you who you might think the “gilded youths” may be…..
Thermidorian Reaction..
Thermidorian Reaction, in the French Revolution, the
parliamentary revolt initiated on 9 Thermidor, year II (July 27, 1794), which
resulted in the fall of Maximilien Robespierre and the
collapse of revolutionary fervour and the Reign of
Terror in France.
By June 1794 France had become
fully weary of the mounting executions (1,300 in June alone), and Paris was alive with rumours of plots against Robespierre,
member of the ruling Committee of Public Safety and
leading advocate of the Terror. On 8
Thermidor (July 26) he gave a speech full of appeals and threats. The next day, the deputies in the National Convention shouted him
down and decreed his arrest. He was
arrested at the Hôtel de Ville, along with his brother Augustin, François Hanriot, Georges Couthon, and Louis de Saint-Just. The same guillotine that on 9 Thermidor
executed 45 anti-Robespierrists executed, in the following three days, 104
Robespierrists, inaugurating a brief “White Terror” against Jacobins throughout France.
The coup was primarily a reassertion of the rights of the
National Convention against the Committee of Public Safety and of the nation
against the Paris Commune. It was
followed by the disarming of the committee, the emptying of the prisons, and
the purging of Jacobin clubs. Social and
political life became freer, more extravagant, and more personally corrupt. There was a splurge of fashion and a conspicuous consumption of
bourgeois wealth, while the poor suffered from harsh economic conditions.
The Gilded Youths
An historical account of
the Thermidorian Reaction following the fall of Robespierre in July of 1794.
The book provides an examination of the 36,000 files of the revolutionary
police to reconstruct events on the streets as they parallelled those in the
Assembly, and provides a picture of social and political life in Paris at the
time. He describes how the
sans-culottes, the lower-class radicals who had been the mainspring and
vanguard of the French Revolution, were crushed, and analyzes the role played
by the Thermidorian reaction.