Tuesday 7 August 2018

FASCISM reborn.. Kristallnacht at Bookmark

FASCISM reborn.. Kristallnacht at Bookmark....in 1977 the National Front was growing. It beat the Liberal Party onto 4th ace across the Greater London Council elections. We were being swamped the cries went up...the British way of life was under threat. Jobs were at risk. Benefits were being exploited and we would soon be a minority here. I was 19 then and am 60 now and I see and hear the ghosts again... Does it sound familiar? It was the same in Germany in the early 1930s.
I have just read a comment on Baroness Warsi's observations that there is no Islamophobia in the Tory Party. The author of this comment feels that Tommy Robinson has a job to do in fighting the Islamification of the UK. Odd that he considers himself a moderate. Meanwhile the 'free speech ' motifs of the far right shows a man gagged and made silent are identical to the Nazi campaign image of the 1930s. The same motif is used on Neath Alt Rights blogger 'The Layman' so aptly renamed the Lieman by red poet Phil Knight. The bigots flood us with their lies and many believe them.
Robinson tells the lie that while he was in HMP Onley his cell was opposite a mosque and that every day excrement was pushed into his cell. There is no mosque in Ok Let but the story is transmitted and already believed., As Robinson tells Gobbells like lies the poison spreads. I see the dark light of the shards of Kristallnacht on the pavements of South Wales.

It's time to take the Far Right on but it's more serious now than at any time since the 1930s. Now there is an international far right .Bannon walks Europe and meets viscious and the vile. He meets Gove, Johnson and Rees Mogg. On social media the Far Right is organised and assured the anointing of St Tommy as Fuhrer of "the Movement" .so it's now time to take them on. As Margaret Hodge raves with egoism and spite and the Blairites dream of power the seeds of a new potential Holacaust form but they do not see it.

It's time for a new Anti Nazi League to be born. It's time to take on the lies and the misrepresentations. It's time to educate and inform.. it's time to call out the apologists of the far right . It's time to protect the vulnerable and the weak. It's time to explain how fascism rises and sucks many in. It's time for a new Anti Nazi League and to prevent a new Kristallnacht. It's getting late...very late. The Far Riight spoke the words if Trump and Farage as they trashed the bookshop. When books are destroyed the destruction of people soon follows. How long will it be till the Far Right pile books on bonfires fed with the paraffin of the words of Boris Johnson.. it's time to stand up and say clearly...no pasaran Tommy and all your vile ilk. It's breaking point and we have had enough...You shall not pass.

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