Wednesday 8 August 2018

Kristallnacht in Bloomsbury update.

Kristallnacht in Bloomsbury update.. This morning I taught a course in the culture of the 1920s and 30s. As we were talking about the rise of Fascism I talked about book burning and the culture Wars of the far right. Then i realised that someone had sent me a film of the attack by three members of UKIP and other alt righters on the bookshop in Bloomsbury called Bookmark.. this was Kristallnacht reborn and refashioned in Bloomsbury

We went on talking about how totalitarianism works . U showed the group the Tommy Robinson release propaganda film so proudly emblazoned on the blog of former UKIP staffer Darren Nicols. My class was silent as we saw Robinson using every Gobbels technique known. There was the returning hero from prison waiting for his perfectly Aryan family to come home to meet Daddy. It was staged managed as he told us of his holiday to Spain and as he mumbled on ...u imagined his new book "My Struggle" took shape as he sat in Spain drinking his Lager and not even trying to speak any Spanish. I ask all of my friends to watch the propaganda he has made its dangerous and vile.
Brenda one of my students who is politically centre right looked as if she would be sick. She said how could it be that people could not see through it? We laughed as I commented that the more right wing thinkers I know will not attend these courses on philosophy and culture consider that I indoctrinate the class to become Marxists and yet swallow the bilge of the far right.

Then I thought of the real face of the far right. The chanting bullying ignorant faces of the three UKIP members chanting Trump! TRUMP! as they through down books and wrecked the shop with the aid of their alt right SA gang. I thought of Tommy Robinson's first conviction for beating up a police man that had intervened when St Tommy had struck his girlfriend. I thought of Tommy's lies that his cell was opposite the mosque in HMP Inley and that excrement was pushed into his cell. There is of course no mosque there and his claims of solitary confinement make him more Hitler lime as his delusions rise and hatred consumes him..This is the reality of what faces us as the far right grows and the similarities to Weimar grow daily...the perfectly Aryan father collecting his street gangs and building the party...I have been telling you this for a very long long time We know what the alt right of the 1930s did and we know their models in 2018 come straight out of Nuremberg..
The question is how many of us know the history of what happened then.. few very few indeed... we saw in the film how they viewed books...when books burn people follow as do the roads to the Gas chambers..

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