Monday 19 March 2018

As ambitious as Lucifer and as cold as a lizard..the ambition of Stepehen Kinnock

Port Talbot is dying.  Trump`s America First policies on steel batter the town and the remaining jobs in the Steel Industry.  Tinsel Town is on the edge.  And we have as its MP a high priest of neo-liberalism.  I watched Stephen Kinnock at a hustings meeting last April make the claim that he and only he had the experience and knowledge to attract the large multinational companies to the area.  He had the contacts, the experience, the finesse to do so.  Stephen Kinnock is of the political elite, he worships at the shrine of globalisation, yet he can do nothing to help the ordinary people of the Sandfields and the surrounding area of Port Talbot and Neath.  Yet it is Stephen Kinnock and his ilk who have promoted the values of free trade of globalisation.  This is why the death of Port Talbot and its Steel works becomes inevitable and there becomes nothing that such a representative can do, his world view, his outlook and his beliefs prevent it.  Stephen Kinnock and his globalist followers have created a world where 62 people have the same wealth as the bottom 3.5 billion where the top 1% own more wealth than the other 99%. 

 I finished this piece for today and told my client  the title.  She said it was unfair to Lucifer

For many years the old Port Talbot Borough Council did nothing to hold the Steel Industry accountable for the pollution of the area.  Of Steel towns around the world Port Talbot was one of the most polluted and the dominant family that controlled the council had neither the ability or the understanding or courage to challenge and raise the issues required and the actions necessary.  I remember seeing on the window sills and in the classrooms of the schools, the rows of inhalers.......We need politicians that are anti globalist, that promote local businesses and suppliers, that understand that that if each small and medium business took on more workers we would have stable more sustainable communities.  Politicians who understand that we must stand up to the large multi nationals that imprison, control and hypnotise us.  Politicians that do not use the migrant crisis to hide their real intentions.  Politicians who build united communities that are inclusive, tolerant and freethinking.

I have just been reading about Stephen Kinnock's decision last year to privately educate his daughter at Atlantic College.  The fees according to the blogger Jac “o “the North are close on £30,000 per year.  My first thought was about what that sort of money could do if that same amount was spent on each school child per year throughout Neath and Port Talbot. eh Steven?  Kinnock represents a constituency massively in need of money being spent on building first class education.  I remember watching a  hustings at the Aberafon  Beach Hotel during the general election of 2015 as Mr Kinnock defended Trident and claimed that he had the links for the large international companies that would come and create work in Neath and Port Talbot.  The cost of Trident would enable all of the school students in the area to have an education that would be provided to the standards of Atlantic College. I believe that all students should have the best possible education and that it should not be restricted to the children of the ministerial and the officials of international business class.

In 1940 George Orwell argued “that there are certain immediate steps that we could take towards a democratic educational system.  We could start by abolishing the autonomy of the public schools and the older universities and flooding them with State-aided pupils chosen simply on grounds of ability.
At present, public-school education is partly a training in class prejudice and partly a sort of tax that the middle classes pay to the upper class in return for the right to enter certain professions. It is true that that state of affairs is altering.  The middle classes have begun to rebel against the expensiveness of education, and the war will bankrupt the majority of the public schools if it continues for another year or two.  The evacuation is also producing certain minor changes.  But there is a danger that some of the older schools, which will be able to weather the financial storm longest, will survive in some form or another as festering centres of snobbery.  As for the 10,000 ‘private’ schools that England possesses, the vast majority of them deserve nothing except suppression.  They are simply commercial undertakings, and in many cases their educational level is actually lower than that of the elementary schools.  They merely exist because of a widespread idea that there is something disgraceful in being educated by the public authorities.  The State could quell this idea by declaring itself responsible for all education, even if at the start this were no more than a gesture.  We need gestures as well as actions.  It is all too obvious that our talk of ‘defending democracy’ is nonsense while it is a mere accident of birth that decides whether a gifted child shall or shall not get the education it deserves.  For sixty years the Labour Party has turned a blind eye to private education ..but now the chickens are coming home to roost.

Gorge Orwell has been dead over  sixty years and private education thrives.  Those who live in the international world of big business and the rulers of the political economy are replicated, reproduced and sent out with the world view of the Kinnocks and the royal children of the Blairite Cabal and before you accuse me of hypocrisy I was educated at an English prep school its probably stunted me in many ways psychologically and given me strange eccentric habits but its left me with an abiding dislike of the elite and of English snobbery.  My education did not thrive till I went to Dynevor Senior Comprehensive in Swansea and I grew wings, confidence and political understanding. 

Mandatory reselction is coming Steven Kinnock its caused by changes in the Labour party..and yet there are very few Corbynistas in Port Talbot ..lets hope there is a mighty judgement is coming but I might be wrong..........lets …..just embrace mandatory reselection.

  As the Equinox nears we see a vicious attack from the right wing press upon the left.  Stephen Kinnock stirs his ambitions and the Mail, the Sun and the Express burst into actions.  An opinion poll from You Gov shows virtual little change in results.  Suppose the attack comes from elements within the Russian mafia that surrounds so many of its rich and powerful oligarchs.  The same group that has given millions to right wing groups and one million pounds to the Tory Party.  It's odd that every Tory I meet shouts about Corbyn but never mentions the money.

The truth is that both Putin and May need the Salisbury events.  For May it distracts from Brexit, it creates a distraction from austerity.  For Putin now a right wing nationalist, a convert to Orthodoxy, a campaigner against gay rights and domestic violence legislation and of course Russian elections on Sunday.  Both are right wingers both need each other..both need to fool their respective populations.
I hear the loathsome Kinnock on Radio 4.  The ambition oozes out of him.  He is as ambitious as Lucifer and as cold as a Lizard.  Yet on all foreign issues it's is Corbyn who has been right over the last 30 years.  The historical perceptions of both Russia and Britsh has not changed in 200 years.  The struggles over Afghanistan, the Middle East and the fear of Russian spies predates goes back beyond Gladstone and Disraeli as far as Palmerston and to the Vienna settlement of 1815.
During that time there have many politicians like Stephen Kinnock.  They fundamentally believe in nothing but their ambition.  Tony Benn said long ago that politicians were either weather cocks or sign posts.  It is quite clear which one Kinnock is...

I glance around locally and I observe who is praising Kinnock and it becomes clearer still.  In Neath former UKIP staffer, anti #Metoo campaigner and user of the lexiconsof the alt right Darren Nichols lauds Stephen Kinnock as giving real leadership. .. This author of the "Layman blog" and former contributor to the far right blog the "Burkean".. .lines up with the right and clearly indicates the true agenda. I t's inane agenda and it's half baked philosophies as well as its ignorance and purveyor of a crude pastiche of the tabloids reveal it's true intentions for ordinary people.
This is a local illustration of the right wing beast cornered and wounded.  It has many similar figures throughout the country, it has many variants and many forms but it's agenda is the same it is pro market it is right wing and both May and Putin need their lackeys.....yet the biggest lackey of all is the ambitious young Kinnock.  He cares not for you and I he cares for his ambition and the unfulfilled needs of his bitter and angry father. 

Ask not what a person says they are ask what do they do?  Marcus Aurelius had met many Stephen Kinnocks ..dont get fooled again ask what Kinnock, May and Putin all gain from the "crisis" .Those who move from UKIP to Kinnock reveal their ambition and their agenda ...remember this moment and think clearly..

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