Monday 13 March 2017

On Left wing bias and being anti British.......

Oh my god it's left wing bias and anti British ..........I have heard it over and over again. They have been moaning about left wing bias I have seen it on social media seven times this weekend . Then they claim they are mavericks,non political standing against this bias of the left . They say what they say is what all people think and their poison spreads moves on . They use words that frighten, bully keep others quiet. They say we have been fooled by the gaystapo, Europe, feminism , multiculturalism . Yet they know every viscus word damages the vulnerable, the fragile the different the other. They savage equal writes for women, they argue men cannot be men anymore. Its not much of a step to say that they were asking for it and that soon we dont need those lefty human rights. That climate change is a myth that we should no longer protect the environment. That the market is all that matters.

They might even claim that they are non political , mavericks, Libertarians yet they are the very beating heart of the establishment who aim to keep us all in our place. The alt right ape the Oxford look of the 20s and 30s . The fact that some Labour voters are very socially conservative and then UKIP say they are the real deal and exploit it the truth is simply they are the beating heart of the establishment...Why else would Farage want a Knighthood ? The heart of the establishment beats strongly and desperately ..Yet it is in a bullying self pitying mode...And it is most dangerous as it is now . There can be no appeasement with such attitudes. We do not all think in this way . We have achieved equality, respect for the other, ourselves, the different ....Don't let the bullying heart of the establishment fool you as it fools some. When they tell you that there is Left  wing bias. Isn't. The Press, the media, the military industrial complex is not enough to make them feel safe ...How inadequate impotent and insecure they must really be...To moan about left wing bias in a few posts in social media ..And how desperate they are..A wounded beast at such times is AR its most dangerous ...Don't get fooled again.. ...What will ever be enough for them how many Brexits ?

How many Trump's the answer is that there will never be enough for them ! Because the left and the progressives never go away whatever they tell us , whatever they have on their side and the lies they tell ... .anti British and left wing cos you dont think like them

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