Its odd you know when you see a connection that the two people involved never see' I watched Neil Hamiltons comment on Leanne Wood and Kirsty Williams. He called them Concublines and alluded to some sexual fantasy he had in his own mind. I susoect that his comment covers a whole host of perverse things and prejudices that he thinks about. What is interesting is that naby men of Hamiltons age have this problem as well. They were just a little two old to get feminism, to understand their own perception of women and of their own view of male sexuality. Even the term “ladies” that he uses indicates that. One wonders deep within what his Freudian Id says about gay people, transgender people and immigrants?
Then I saw a comment in one Bystander Jones blog otherwise known as Jack o` the North. He seems to have created some odd sexual fantasy himself. These are the words he says...they strangely echo Neil Hamilton's comments For her amanuensis, …....Martyn Shrewsbury, is hard at work right now making up excuses for the woman he adores . . . but does she reciprocate? And if so, how? And do you really want to think about it! . So there we have two men in their late sixties having odd fantasies. I would advise both of them to read Freud on this matter. Our projections on to others tells us so much about ourselves. I always remember being told I was a Marxist homosexual in one philosophy class when I challenged a very religious individual. Our ids and our shadows are so easily placed on others...........
Interestingly enough we have two right wingers . Royston calls himself a a right wing nationalist and Neil is essentially an English nationalist. Royston has written about the injustice of taking down the Confeearte flag in South Caroline and has moaned about”Scouse immigrants” coming to Wales. These are brothers under the skin and both bring shame to Wales with their attitudes and outlooks. Marx was right when talked about false consciousness at least Hamilton knows what he is as for Royston does he see into his own prejudices? I wonder how of many us do

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