Thursday 22 September 2016

This is a warring peace,a sweet wound and a mild evil........the old Pagan at the Autumn Equinox.....

I am the Old Pagan at the Autumn I come to the crossroads of light and dark, when what is clear and what is not is in balance. In the world as I look around I see that it is less than eight weeks to the American Election. I see that even if Trump loses unthinking racism has been brought out and made acceptable. On the Radio 4 news today I heard the white supremacist claim the validity of race even though the fiction of race is clearly shown. In the USA riots break out in the south and fear stalks the deep south. A new 68 election looms between a worst, debased Nixon of the crudest kind and and flimsy flaky Clinton.

In Europe the far right polls 14% in Berlin elections and in Essex a young pole is chased and killed by a mob. The saga of Labour continues, which way will it go. A nascent progressive alliance stirs within the Greens and amongst other progressives. The cycle of victim, abuser and rescuer circles endlessly. The process of projection and displacement runs on endlessly and victim becomes abuser and vice versa...........this is the time of balance in the eye of the ideological storm. The Conservative riles without meaning and direction, post austerity leads them back to the dictum of empiricism tempered by prejudice, the white walkers cross the wall and march south ..winter is coming.
At the Autumn Equinox I will debate with a young man with plenty of confidence but little experience of the brutality of fascism and the far right as a late middle aged man. Slightly world weary and battered but very much aware of brutality and bullying wherever it may come from. The greasy poll of politics and the battle for tenderness and respect clearly set against one another. This is the Autumn Equinox of 2016. This is the conjunction of opposites. This is a warring peace, a sweet wound and a mild evil. This is a Hegelian moment.........

However just been told that the original Wicker Man the 1973 film is on the horror channel this weekend. Burner or rescuer you decide......

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