Thursday 22 February 2018

Free us from Evangelists and the one true Gods

.I reflect on the death of Billy Graham. I think if his campaign to convince people that they need to find a personal saviour. However I would simply wish for us all to find a saviour that frees us from Saviours. Long ago the Buddha said "all things decay, work out your own salvation with diligence". Yep all things decay and I feel that the belief in the one true gods brings with it the implication tbat if one is true then some other faiths creeds and philosophies are wrong. This is the path that leads us to the crusade; the forced conversion and the persecution..all political philosophies and outlook are faiths. The outlook is driven by faith and mine is Ecosociaalism . It's always seemed clear to me that to believe or not to believe is always a matter of faith..

Philosophically only agnosticism can be defended. The old Pagans had no wish to convert others it is a position I share. I am inclined to polytheism in many outlooks. Monotheism is Imperialism in religion or politics or any other theory. There are many dead white bearded men with large book about which it's followers debate, are sectarian and persecute . All true faiths are monotheistic they ignore symbolism, metaphor, allegory and metonoymy . The human view is partial, limited and psychologically hidden. I am inclined to a sort of nature based pantbeism. Humanity are stewards and not masters of the world and it's environment. It is an :I thou' relationship not the " I It' of the conservative capitalist outlook of the Republican party. In many cases the bluekippers use religion to describe " white culture." Spirituality must be used to transcend us and not used to classify, exclude or condemn us. St Paul created a religion about Christ. Constantine used it to unify the state. St Augustine gave us guilt and created original sin. I am sorry Billy you must be stunned to discover the divine feline wherever you are. Free us from Saviours and seek the divinity within and in the world around us that gives us our daily breath...long ago Nietzche asked suppose truth was a woman? He was not being sexist...he was implying that truth was subjective. He was challenging all one true faiths and using the "feminine" form in the German language to free us the hobgoblin of certainty that is the mind of one true believers...I am sorry Billy in the bardo you inhabit now reflect and free yourself from both sin and salvation...

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