Tuesday 20 February 2018

UKIP’s on the lookout for a new leader – again...the return of farage

KIP’s on the lookout for a new leader – again.
How did they get here? Let’s take a look at their latest public implosion.
Last month, UKIP leader Henry Bolton was rocked by scandal after his partner, Jo Marney (who Bolton had recently left his wife for) was revealed to have made numerous racist comments.
Bolton, who had refused to stand down, was unceremoniously dumped by the party’s membership at an Extraordinary General Meeting in Birmingham on Saturday
The meeting was an all-out war between Bolton and the NEC. What the 1,500 attendees witnessed was a mixture of the ugly, comedic and surreal.
An interim leader was then installed by UKIP’s ruling body – Gerard Batten, a committed Islamophobe and conspiracy crank.
Batten once described Islam as a “death cult, born and steeped in fourteen hundred years of violence and bloodshed, that propagates itself by intimidation, violence and conquest”, a comment he backed on Sunday as being “factually historically true”.
He’s also shared stages with far-right extremists, addressing the annual dinner of the Traditional Britain Group in 2011, presided by the racist Gregory Lauder-Frost.
UKIP is now a bad joke, haemorrhaging support and money. However, the bigger threat lies in Nigel Farage and his Leave.EU backer Arron Banks who are eagerly waiting in the wings.
Farage and Banks are far more capable figures than anything UKIP can now do. They are likely to hit hard on anti-immigrant and anti-Muslim messages when they re-enter the political fray -- most likely at the helm of a new radical-right political movement.
When they launch, we’ll be ready.

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