Thursday 8 February 2018

The Fascoid Personality Disorder.....the pretemse of free speech

The Fascoid Personality Disorder....discovered.....

There is a new personality disorder about its called a Fascoid Personality disorder as been discovered. Its part metaphor, part metonymy perhaps even synecdoche . It first arrived in the UK around June of this year and a major outbreak has occurred in the USA since November 8 2016 . Many right wingers but not all are prone to it. It involves presenting simplistic answers to complex problems. It is rumoured that even newspapers can develop this disorder as the Daily Mail has been suffering from it for over 100 years, It can break out by using the Freudian defences of Projection and displacement particularly when an individual has a weak ego and poor self esteem. The infected individual or institution sees all that is wrong in them selves and in the economic system and transfers it on to other who look different or behave differently to the carrier.

Scientists believe that there is a psychological affinity to haemorrhoids This occurs when hard impacted faeces is passed out of the anal fissure of the body of politics.and of his simplistic knowledge of complex political philosophy. Even the use and implication of the word “ retard” as part of the root of the word is insulting, out of date and reveals the retarded nature of the individuals knowledge, perceptions and empathy.

At Asclepius Therapy we are beginning to notice both a Trump and Farage form of this persona;ity disorder. We will keep you informed of the spread of this problem. Rumours suggest is developing everywhere I leave you with a quote from the 1965 fim “It happened here” Doctor Richard Fletcher:”The appalling thing about fascism is that you've got to use fascist methods to get rid of it.” An uncomfortable thought is it not?

i quote dfrom another blog that makes some very interesting points.....

"Fascists, the alt-right or whatever, have been getting an increasingly large platform in recent years. It’s really not hard to see the correlation between their ever increasing ability to spread their malicious messages and the increasing amount of physical violence perpetrated against minorities? The mainstreaming of these views under the free speech argument has undoubtable emboldened people to assault people, burn mosques, burn black churches, threaten Jewish centres with bombs.
Free speech fights have always been about government repression of ideas. It's not about a person's inalienable right to abuse someone else. If someone starts spouting some kind of bigotry in my direction, I can and I will tell them to sit down and shut up. That's what happened to Milo. It's just absurd to think you can debate with these people. The trans student who turned up on his tour to disagree with him in person had her life made so miserable by him and his fans she had to drop out of college. Was that him exercising his free speech too? It's utter liberal claptrap to misuse the concept of censorship to protect these people from the righteous fury of people preventing them, or attempting to prevent them from further spreading their message, opinions which directly target marginalised people and minorities.

There is a rank hypocrisy permeating some areas of the left who celebrate the anniversary of the Battle of Cable Street, who revel in the actions of previous generations who fought fascism but tut tut at poor little Milo turning tail and running or Richard Spencer getting punched in the face, in the name of the principle of free speech. It's a wonder that the people of the East End didn't just pull up a few chairs and have a nice little debate with Mosley. You can't debate these people. Standing up and telling these people to shut up as their hate actually threatens people isn't censorship, it's self-preservation. It would be really nice if everyone were nice to each other but that's not the world we live in. Pick a side"

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