Tuesday 17 July 2018

Hyper-reality ....what happens now ? The new World Order....

As Tommy Robinson sits like Hitler in his ten foot cell the descent to naked fascism creeps like a plague through the land. His followers stinking of the beer hall putsch brings to our nostrils the stench of Weimar. Tommy's SA and SS intersect and merge with Trumps lackeys. Piers Morgan with his naked bully id lays into Orwell and a radical young woman called Ash Surkar. Morgan's ignorance reveals his isolation and his bitterness. I suspect he does not realise that Orwell fought Fascism. Piers has never read his books and I guess he never realised how Orwell turned against everything Imperial. Piers knows no history and loves Trump because narcissistically he sees himself looking back with adoration.

Tommy's minders think Al Jazeera is a Muslim Front organisation and call a young woman reporter a "slag" . They completely fail to understand that by their simplistic definitions Fox News is a Christian front. Steve Bannon tells us that Robinson is the backbone of the country. And a proto Fascist international is born..Beware the days to come...

At his release the Trump intersection with the crypto fascists will pour the money into a fusion of UKIP and the Football Lads Alliance. Farage fetes Bannon and in Wales Jac of tbe North places Bannons videos on the banner of his blog. I read in "An Independent Wales Facebook group that Jac is an old style nationalist and I think back to the Breton Nationalists of the 1930s welcoming the Nazi overtures to them before they were eaten alive.

I think of a thought experiment where in the late 30s Trump visits the Wolf's lair and Rome and thinks he has a higher form of special relationship with Hitler and Mussolini Trump wants to be Erdogan and Putin combined. He hates that democracy gets in his way.. yep as I return all around I smell Weimar and the tragedy is so few see it, know about it or have read it's history. Very soon we shall see it in new forms and in new ways.. I have been telling you this for a very long time ..as I watch the post modern Caligula play out his ego in Moscow..I smile at the discomfort of the Republican Party...but also as I smile there is a moment too disturbing to dwell on...I ask myself which so called 'libertarians' would give my name and others like me to the new SS of Tommy's boys for criticism of them on social medua .the world becomes a farce as friend becomes foe and foe friend...we realise that in the words of HL Machen that there is now a Moron in the Whitehouse.. the world order is upturned ...and we know not what will happen next..."come dungeons dark or gallows grim'..all too human will be my farewell hymn..

 I return to the new World Order...the world is to be carved up into zones of control by strong men. We drift back to the 30s. The Tory party breaks into civil war and all predictive attempts to say what happens next prove pointless.. we are in a post modern Alice through the looking glass as Yeates Second Coming seems fit as strange beings slouch towards Helsinki ...the police begin investigation into Vote Leave...Nothing is certain all possibities remain possible ..this is hyper reality the world of Jean Baudrilliard ..things that happened did not and those that did not are true...validity truth and meaning are meaningless..

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