Monday 23 July 2018

Wales and the dog days of a political Summer

Wales and the dog days of a political Summer

Definition of dog days
1 : the period between early July and early September when the hot sultry weather of summer usually occurs in the northern hemisphere
2 : a period of stagnation or inactivity 

as the drama of Plaids leadership election moves on and dafydd wigley endorses young Rhun Ap Nuclear. I cast my memort back  to this extract i wrote some time ago..a nuclera you might think that but i could not possibly comment   . I read of the resignation of Simon Thomas iand in Blaenau Gwent Plaids local party backs Rhunactive develops as Plaids National Treasurer Nigel Copner  resigns as the Higgs Boson particles sparkle in the air and transfer their loyalty to the Ap Nuclear banner. regicide in Plaid nears as the heat builds and the Moon rages. 


`Sorry Mr Wigley – you’re very wrong on Nuclear power

A number of inaccurate statements by Dafydd Wigley (Plaid Cymru) in his Daily Post article on nuclear power on November 5 need to be challenged. Firstly, he says that we need new nuclear power stations to meet “an electricty supply crisis by mid-century.” Demand for electricity has actually fallen in the British state in the past few years. Electricty storage is developing very quickly and note how the biggest economy in Europe, namely Germany is closing all its nuclear stations by 2022 and undertaking a renewable energy revolution. There is no reason why we cannot power our own renewable energy revolution with the best renewable resources in Europe at our disposal.
The massive amount of land bought for the Wylfa B project is a green field location and involves its extensive trashing. Would Dafydd like to comment on the need to store doubly hot and doubly radioactive waste from possible new Wylfa reactors on site for at least 160 years? Does he relish the destruction of the natural beauty of the bay at nearby Porth y Pistyll by building an industrial jetty across it to import building materials?
On the matter of the French EPR reactor proposed for Hinkley and Sizewell, those currently under construction in Finland, France and China are hopelessly over budget and behind schedule. Dafydd’s concerns about decommissioning costs for the EPR reactor apply equally to the ABWR reactor proposed by HitachiGE for Wylfa and Oldbury. He is therefore being inconsistent by welcoming Hitachi’e ABWR to Wylfa as “it is used successfully in four reactors at three different locations”@

As we cook in the heat this long  Summer of the political dog days of the sea of Welsh politics My little birds bring me so much news from their perches amongst the great and the good of Plaid Cymru..But there us so much to tell that all I can do is wet your appetite for more details next week.
You may remember that the plotters around Leanne Wood burst from their bonds the minute she tried to put some substance and clarity in Plaid's schizoid position on Nuclear power.

Young Rhunactive Ap Nuclear managed managed to get his nomination in within 12 hours most as if long planned with supporters forewarned. I also note with interest that one Vicky Moller devotee of Greens for Plaid and Daily Telegraph expert on the buy to let mortgage asked on the Nation Cymru ..what's wrong with Nuclear power ? Went on to argue that Nuclear power is a real renewable and Green option. In an Independent Wales the role of standard renewables would clearly redefined as to include a new wonders if a nuclear subtext is being wielded as a dagger for Leanne on the ides of July..or some future month. You would have to have a suspicious mind to link these two worthies and ambition...but then I d

It's also very interesting to link the raves of the Brofalske of the North bitter old Jac. Jac is always moaning about " greenies, lefties and wimmin" and laying I to Leanne Wood. I notice now to how the young narcissist the Layman is similar in his criticism. And as that champion of women's rights Neil McEvoy sets up an organisation called in a saintly Freudian way "Propel" has a meeting at which Mr Niccolls former UKIP staffer is spotted alongside others with former "Welsh Skinhead" Chris Piper of the Welsh Defence League...of course none of these events have anything to do with the causation of the plot. Perhaps correlation might be more of an effective link.

Neil's organisation Propel or as I prefer to call it "Repel" are keen supporters of alt right terminology like "virtue signalling" and are keen accusers of domestic violence charities that have bullied and abused men.One might speculate that in a Plaid led by Rhunactive Ap Nuclear would Neil McEvoys exile be cut in length? might think that but I could not possibly comment. One must always reward supporters both direct and indirect I think that a serious attempt, if my little birds ate accurate that we are seeing an attempt to move Plaid to the right I suspect that this is a serious attempt and I warn Leanne Wood that this should not be underestimated. I wonder to if successful coup would mean the return of a former member of the House of Lords to the fold. .
.y little birds also tell me that the Wales Green Party will reject an attempt to create an Independent Welsh Green Party. Of course heat effects all of us in numerous ways. My little birds could could be delusional in the heat but then again they may not.
As Welsh Labour renews and Momentum grows both Plaid and the Welsh Green Party should fear making dramatic and tactical errors. A vibrant Eco Socialist Plaid and an Independent Welsh Green Party could form a powerful coalition with a Socialist Welsh Labour Party. Momentum, the Welsh Greens and an Eco socialist Plaid have many points of intersection and of political shared goals of outlook and aims.

I suspect that Rhunactive would have interesting views on cooperation with the Welsh Tories. Any way it's nearly 30 degrees on the T6 heading towards Neath..Perhaps I hallucinate ...but you will have to decide that....I measure it by how much abuse I get over  social media..but hey let's draw ourselves up and see what happens. I am going to have to tell you more next week..beers in the garden call to me...oh these political dog days..of Summer

I have always been interested in seeing what goes on behind the scenes, at the things that I deny about myself and what others deny about themselves. Over the last 50 years or so it has led me to some interesting places, people and ideas. A friend of mine bought me a copy of the Pencourt File, it's a study of the Intelligence Services attempts to destabilise the Wilson Government of 1974 to 1976. When I was involved in a previous incarnation of political activity, I read the magazine "Borderlands" which looked at the role the same services role in their infiltration of the Radicals, the Left and the Green movement.

There is an area where the secret state intersects with our paranoia and our fears. The Left and all critical views tends to attract to it a higher proportion of people who are suspicious, egotistical and obsessive. Of course this proportion is small but nevertheless there. Just recently I read a psychotherapy article about that if you compare one hundred political activists with 100 non political activists the non activists are significantly less neurotic. Anthony Storr`s book the Political Psyche is a rich read indeed......but still there is no harm in a speculative flow of consciousness.......

Many of you will remember the series the Edge of Darkness from the 80s. I leave the rest to may all be the heat in the dog days of July..but please consider the following.First off the timing of Rhadioactive Rhun's challenge for Plaids kleadership  is almost chilling. On 12 June he gave an interview in which he explicitly ruled out challenging Leanne  Wood for the leadership

Leanne Wood  published a list of pledges on her website including a very strongly worded pledge against nuclear power and Wylfa B  
Within days of Leanne's pledge rumours start to circulate mr radioactive is reconsidering his position - and a couple of weeks later he formally challenges her. How his sudden about turn hasnt been linked in the welsh media to leanne's strongly worded pledge on nuclear power is mystifying. It's clear those behind wylfa b (horizon nuclear power and the british govt) decided leanne had to be challenged after this pledge.  Which begs the question is rhun the Assembly member for Ynys Mon or for Horizon nuclear power? Think we know the answer to that.

 A couple of years ago Rhun - and the local Labour mp Albert Owen accepted an all expenses paid trip to japan from Horizon's parent company Hitachi to see their nuclear facilities there .
But one 'facility' they own they did not show him - the nuclear reactor at Fukushima, which split open contaminating the ocean, killing lots of fish and a few people and forcing hundreds of thousands of people to flee their homes

A couple of months ago the nuclear industry PR machine announced to much fanfare that the new director of Horizon's operations at Wylfa bbwould be a certain Gwen Parry-Jones OBE The release mentions her long track record in the nuclear industry - including stints in america surprise surprise - and mentions she was the station director of heysham nuclear power station in Lancashire. What it doesnt mention is that heysham had to be shut down THREE times while she was director due to faults being found 

A grim track record which doesnt inspire much confidence in her with regards to how safe Wylfa  B will be.Of  course ourse despite all the pro nuclear  propaganda appearing in the British and Welsh media about Wylfa B theres no mention of where in wales the poisonous waste it will produce will be buried. In fact no one has a clue where it will be dumped because not a single local authority in Wales has said they will accept any of wylfa bs radioactive waste.

Furthermore if Wylfa B goes ahead  I want you to  imagine an independent Wales  before Wylfa B is decommissioned in 35 years time - it would bankrupt Wales.The cost of cleaning up decommissioned nuclear power stations is enormous, the cost of cleaning up Sellafield is 70 BILLION POUNDS. Theres no way any future Welsh state  could afford to pay that. So if Wylfa B goes ahead people can probably say  goodbye to Wales ever becoming independent, which makes the strong support for Wylfa Bfrom Plaid's Ehun Ap Iorwerth all the more bizarre.

Finally perhaps the key to all of this - to Wylfa B, to the actions of  Nucler lackeys  like Rhun  and others is that the uk govt has pledged to underwrite wylfa b to the tune of an estimated 15 Billions pounds. A massive figure and which shows a) how desperate certain  groups  are that Wylfa B goes ahead and b) that without a massive public subsidy Wylfa B is completely untenable. Clearly these dark forces - the dark forces which make up the secret state - need to be assured of a supply of Plutonium for nuclear warheads (they get plutonium from the production process of nuclear reactors). Course no one in the media is allowed to talk about this - wylfa b has to go ahead and any potential threats to it  as Leanne Wood clearly is and  has to be dealt with. And at the moment trying to topple her or at least seriusly weaken her as Plaid leader will suffice.

But its clear powerful and shadowy forces are moving against Leanne Wood, powerful and shadowy forces she sadly seems unaware of to judge by her recent call to her supporters for a 'positive campaign' and not to attack her leadership rivals. How naive she is. Like  Ceasar  she is surrounded by treachery and enemies but she sadly  seems unaware

An obvious stooge of the nuclear power industry has been deployed to try and topple her and so has Adam Price who disappeared from politics for 6 years to study at a elite american university and who despite trying to get a us president arraigned on war crimes never seems to have any difficulty getting in and out of the united states. Price even launched his campaign against leanne wood from america where hes been on a lengthy holiday. And of course her challengers will have no difficulty in getting lots of coverage in a compliant media for their campaigns - as we know the media will be used by the secret state to deal with anyone percieved to be a threat to the status quo (and leanne wood certainly is a threat to the secret state and the nuclear power and nuclear weapons lobby).

 I am indebted for much of this  to the help of Welsh anti nuclear activists in putting together the article, and might be a good idea to place a link to PAWB on the article (will help get the Welsh Anti Nuclear campaigners .

It is indeed  shocking that Westminster should be able to decide that a  monstrousnuclear power station is going to be  placed  in in Wales - all energy matters should be devolved to the Welsh Assembly. I suggest you read in detail the jollowing piece before you rush to welcome Nuclear Power. Chris Busby is not everybodies cuip of tea but his research on cancer rates should be looked at seriously.. Here I sthe link for his fascinating article..its well worth a rea

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