Monday 9 July 2018

Political thoughts.....and musings.....Wales and the Right

First that lovely man from Fides and now featuring on the banner of his blog an interview with Steve Bannon......... i was only joking when I called him Jac of the Alt Right and on the same page as his lovely new political party.Ein that of the Alt Right too? I mean a few months ago Jac was moaning last year about taking down the Confederate flag in South this Master Jac of the Deep South?

News from my political little birds in Wales..As we cook in the heat this long Friday of the political dog days of the sea of Welsh politics My little birds bring me so much news from their perches amongst the great and the good of Plaid Cymru..But there us so much to tell that all I can do is wet your appetite for more details next week.

You may remember that the plotters around Leanne Wood burst from their bonds the minute she tried to put some substance and clarity in Plaid's schizoid position on Nuclear power.
Young Rhunactive Ap Nuclear managed managed to get his nomination in within 12 hours most as if long planned with supporters forewarned. I also note with interest that one Vicky Moller devotee of Greens for Plaid and Daily Telegraph expert on the buy to let mortgage asked on the Nation Cymru ..what's wrong with Nuclear power ? Went on to argue that Nuclear power is a real renewable and Green option. In an Independent Wales the role of standard renewables would clearly redefined as to include a new wonders if a nuclear subtext is being wielded as a dagger for Leanne on the ides of July..or some future month. You would have to have a suspicious mind to link these two worthies and ambition...but then I do?

It's also very interesting to link the raves of the Brofalske of the North bitter old Jac. Jac is always moaning about " greenies, lefties and wimmin" and laying I to Leanne Wood. I notice now to how the young narcissist the Layman is similar in his criticism. And as that champion of women's rights Neil McEvoy sets up an organisation called in a saintly Freudian way "Propel" has a meeting at which Mr Niccolls former UKIP staffer is spotted alongside others with former "Welsh Skinhead" Chris Piper of the Welsh Defence League...of course none of these events have anything to do with the causation of the plot. Perhaps correlation might be more of an effective link.
Neil's organisation Propel or as I prefer to call it "Repel" are keen supporters of alt right terminology like "virtue signalling" and are keen accusers of domestic violence charities that have bullied and abused men.

One might speculate that in a Plaid led by Rhunactive Ap Nuclear would Neil McEvoys exile be cut in length? might think that but I could not possibly comment. One must always reward supporters both direct and indirect
I think that a serious attempt, if my little birds ate accurate that we are seeing an attempt to move Plaid to the right I suspect that this is a serious attempt and I warn Leanne Wood that this should not be underestimated. I wonder to if successful coup would mean the return of a former member of the House of Lords to the fold. ..
My little birds also tell me that the Wales Green Party will reject an attempt to create an Independent Welsh Green Party. Of course heat effects all of us in numerous ways. My little birds could could be delusional in the heat but then again they may not.
As Welsh Labour renews and Momentum grows both Plaid and the Welsh Green Party should fear making dramatic and tactical errors. A vibrant Eco socialist Plaid and an Independent Welsh Green Party could form a powerful coalition with a Socialist Welsh Labour Party. Momentum, the Welsh Greens and an Eco socialist Plaid have many points of intersection and of political shared goals of outlook and aims.

I suspect that Rhunactive would have interesting views on cooperation with the Welsh Tories. Any way it's nearly 30 degrees on the T6 heading towards Neath..Perhaps I hallucinate ...but you will have to decide that....I measure it by how much abuse I get over the weekend..but hey let's draw ourselves up and see what happens. I am going to have to tell you more next week..beers in the garden call to me...oh these political dog days. Fly on my little birds tell find and tell us more....see you soon

I trawl through social media and I notice the broflakes of the right moan about the Trump baby balloon. What astounds me is the abject inanity of them to master themes draw inferences and know anything about history ...

I hear them scream about lack of respect and of the left hating the special alliance. They always fail to mention the 'free speech' that they sound off about as long as it's racist or comes from the vacancy of their own mind. They forget that Thomas Jefferson the third American President that the office of President was partial, damaged and a threat to liberty. H L Macken warned us in the 19th century that one day the electorate under the American Consitution would get it's dearest wish "of a Moron in the Whitehouse" what is their to respect in Trump? His views on women, minorities and his description of shithole countries. I am not sure what confidence in their views the right claim. They all sound the same and when all else fails they fall back on abuse and 'ad hominem' arguments. The poor dabs call us on the left snowflakes..yet even here they fail to grasp the allegory and the metaphor. Each snowflake is unique and yet together and collectively they create glaciers and mounds of snow that sweep all before them. Glance at the bald white men of the right , listen to their thoughts and their assumptions and you find the Borg of Star Trek. They claim individualism yet fall down at the first hurdle..when all else fails they use the same words " wanker' 'remoaner" "tool" and the fall silent. They shout about democracy and free speech yet cry about the Trump baby balloon. They don't get that over 65% of the UK don't want Trump here.

Trump is an anti democrat an autjoritarian of the Erdogan and Putin genre.Trump wants to be them he knows nothing of his countries history or constitution . He forgets his mother was an immigrant. The bald men of the Football Lads Alliance mingling with the remnants of UKIP know nothing of context, history and argument. What do you do when democracy fails? What do you do when you are explaining to the far right. That men like them marched through the 1930s I a Europe like the one we are living in..

Why is that the Daily Mail and the Sun and the Express are not calling Theresa May an enemy of the people? How many of the bluekippers have read Animal Farm or 1984? I suspect very very few...yet the methods described by Orwell are being used upon them every day...And they ate not even aware. Sovereignty of the state died In 1600 with the estavmblishnent of the East India Company and of Dutch multinational companies... but the blue kippers don't know about all of this...but Trump and Murdoch know how to keep quiet the masses and give them the magic mushrooms of illusionary patriotism and of the existence of 'getting their country back'..We become the hollow men, the stuffed men and Nietzche's last men and do mean MEN... stupid White men ..alas...

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