Tuesday 17 January 2017

Building a Left Wing non-sectarian party in Northern Ireland..vote Green on March 2

I was sent these words today, Please help the Green party of Northern ireland as it faces elections on March 2 Please help
Today, the Northern Irish Assembly has collapsed, triggering an election.
What Northern Ireland needs is a strong, left wing, cross-community party which builds peace by standing up to austerity, fighting for civil rights: against forced pregnancy, homophobia and racism, and for just, sustainable and democratic Northern Ireland, whose constitutional future remains in the hands of those who live there.
That party is the Northern Irish Greens: whose two Assembly Members grew up in working class Loyalist and Republican communities respectively; whose councillors have faced death threats from Loyalist paramilitaries; and who have been battling in the Supreme Court in recent weeks to ensure Northern Ireland's voice is heard as Britain navigates the Brexit vote.
I've just donated a little to help bolster their election campaign. I'd encourage you to do the same.

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