Tuesday 24 January 2017

We don't accept your decisions. You accept ours...the far Right in Neath Voice for Everybody

On Friday I published a story about the insidious growth of a neo fascist organisation called the Knights Templar. http://all-to-human.blogspot.co.uk/2017/01/the-hard-right-and-myth-of-knights.html

I had noticed that on a certain Councillors Facebook group that it was infested by members of this group. Since the publication of my story I have never seen so many people from this group update thier profile so quickly. However the screen shots of those claiming membership has been forwarded to anti-racist groups and anti-fascist groups in the area. It is important that Councillor Stephen Hunt wakes up to the reality of the situation and thinks of a little more than his re-election in May of this year. Similar figures can also be found on a Facebook group that is prominent in Port Talbot 

There is a danger to all those who flirt with the far right. I suppose it comes initially from those ideas you associate with and the people you meet. Its very easy to meet people socially who gradually push you further and further to the right. The danger is that there a bit of Fascism lurking in all of us and its methods and approaches of projection and displacement can lead us into some very strange places and ideas. There us a film called “ Good” that I would recommend and would urge many people to watch in these times of Brexit and Trump . One can find parallels within the treatment of the Law Lords in there previous decision on Brexit and we must consider what today's decision may bring from the right wing press. Watch this film or read the novel.....

Doctor Richard Fletcher: The appalling thing about fascism is that you've got to use fascist methods to get rid of it.
[Pauline is registering]
Pauline: I've decided to join.
Clerk: We don't accept your decisions. You accept ours.

It tells us a true story it is ts based on a novel about a mercy killing it brings a German professor (Viggo Mortensen) to the attention of the Nazi Party, which now wants him to write a treatise on euthanasia to justify the "final solution”.

Councillor Hunt should reflect on those who he considers threats and those he does not. He and us all should reflect ion these comments by Erich Fromm Perhaps he and we should watch this film as well http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0055024/

At first many found comfort in the thought that the victory of the authoritarian system was due to the madness of a few individuals as and that their madness would lead to their downfall in due time. Others smugly believed that the Italian people, or the Germans, were lacking in the sufficiently long period of training in democracy, and that therefore one could wait complacently until they had reached the political maturity of the Western democracies. Another common illusion, perhaps the most dangerous of all, was that men like Hitler had gained power over the past apparatus of the state through nothing but cunning and trickery, that they and their satellites ruled merely by sheer force; that the whole population was only the will-less object of betrayal and terror.
Erich Fromm, Escape From Freedom

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