Tuesday 31 January 2017

The Blind Spot and the Stoke on Trent by election......

Have you noticed that right wingers never point out the incidence of right wing terrorism. It's interesting that no one mentions that the attacker in Quebec was was a far right wing white nationalist...They never oint out that Anders Brevijk claimed Christianity as his belief system ? Anyone with a brown skin and a gun is a terrorist but a white right winger with a gun is mentally ill.The truth for much of the right is the psychological inability to understand that people like ourselves are terrorists it's easier to see them as mad...It's much safer.... And now we have UKIP and Trump it makes us easier to be in denial of it

A report on the Stoke on Trent by election floats past my ears. The six towns that make up Stoke are not remembered by Paul Nuttal ..This is the Brexit capital of the UK ..There are high stakes here ..If UKIP fails to win it will be interesting.Iloojed a few days ago at the local government elections of 2015 ..There was clear evidence of cooperation on the right between independents. Conservatives and UKIP..That will be significant in this election. In the past in Some we have had BNP councillors . This is a low voter turnout area. I know Stoke I was born nearby .This is a place if poverty of racial prejudice it is a prime breeding ground for the toxicity of Eddie Hitler and his party ..It was made worse by it having a neo liberal Blairite as an MP..It is a heady cocktail for a disaster...Industrial wasteland, an alienated electorate and the simplistic solutions of the right....Watch this space ...

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