Wednesday 29 June 2016

If you depose Corbyn I will vote Alchemy of the Left?

A letter in the Mirror read “If you depose Corbyn, then I shall leave Labour and vote Green. We are in an alchemical container of the left. What happens next is anybodies guess. I spent last Summer predicating that Corbyn would not make it and I was wrong. So I will not predict what will happen next or speculate too much.......

I know that whatever does happen that a Green Ecosocialist current will be vital. Either there will be an inrush into the green party from departing Corbynistas or there will be a building around the Greens of other groupings and traditions. The problem is you can never tell where alchemical processes go.

Yesterday I happened to be in a Pub in Neath. I overheard a group of men talking about the Labour Party and Jeremy Corbyn. One said he is unelectable. Later I heard an interview with David Blunkett. He said the problem with Marxists are they cant tell the difference between what is going on inside their own head and the world. The real problem is that none of us can. The men in the pub and David Blunkett like all of us find that difficult. The problem we all have is that our paradigm is a product of our own prejudices, influences and concerns. Change occurs when the thoughts inside our head change and we act in the world. And I think there is a mighty judgement coming on how we view things......

As for me this at present is my paradigm. Its been there since last year ...perhaps it will change who knows..but reality is an odd thing and common sense is a myth created by a particular person at a particular time abd us entirely self constructed. Here is mine given those independent socialist and green Wales. A Wales where power is devolved to the lowest possible administrative unit. A Wakes that is diverse, tolerant, open to all that does not judge or impose conformity on lifestyle, beliefs or identity. A Wales where its people are aware of it culture, history and language and which is fully bilingual and multi cultural. A Wales that supports workers rights, public services and a comprehensive welfare system. A Wales that protects the rights of animals to be free from exploitation. I am opposed to Nuclear Power and seek a Wales powered by renewables that are owned by the communities of Wales. I would like a Wales that is a non-aligned, neutral republic and which is free from the arms industry".

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