Sunday 5 June 2016

Statistics and Soul...dont fear the Reaper

As the campaign nears its climax in just over 2weeks we see statistic after statistic thrown at us. What in the end determines my vote is the soul that lurks behind each campaign. if the Mail in Sunday is pointing out the infiltration of the Leave campaign by Neo-Nazis, ex BNP activists and other fellow travellers..the die is cast. Its bad enough having IDS and Michael Gove and Nigel Farage........ without this lot joining in. I even quote from the Mail on Sunday as evidence and that stuns me The neo-Nazi with a swastika on her breast... and Vote Leave badge on her vest: From Holocaust deniers to EDL fascists posing at the Kray twins' grave, the violent thugs and racists hijacking the Brexit campaign”
The ignorance I see is amazing around me it reminds me of a story I heard during the Assembly Election. A friend of mine told be this story she was at a hustings meetings and a question was asked about the role of the state and art and literature. Up jumps a UKIp candidate who claims that in the past all artists, writers and poets were financed by selling their skills on the open market. That there role had nothing to do with the state. if you bother to read your history you will find that the states of Renaissance Italy, Florence, the Papacy, Venice, and the Duchy of Milan gave state contracts and funding to Giotto, Titian, Leonardo da Vinci and Michael Angelo contracts in the same way that the state does your history please before you come out with this strange kipper history...........

We live in a world dominated by statistics. I walk over an hour a day, I have not eaten meat for nearly twenty years. I take low fat milk and do my best to limit high fat foods. I have just reached 59 all my Grandparents lived till 80. I stopped smoking my pipe over three years ago. My father died at 55 because of heart enlargement caused by medication. However I am 10 kg overweight. According to Nice as I move up the age scale the percentage of heart attack and stroke increases. my blood pressure is controlled by medication. However when I went to the Doctors last year for my annual review of medication because I have passed these age limits suddenly my chance of heart disease and stroke jumps from 10% to 16% . So suddenly I am a candidate for Stattins. There are many forms of statistical proof, many forms of the mean, mode, median geometrical mean. There are debates within the academic discipline of statistics on the value of significance do your research and you pick your mathematical model. For me the simple test was a follows. One Paul Coventry from Port Talbot -Debate and Argue put up a post there showing the White Cliffs of Dover with a sign saying “go away We care Full” he added the legend above it “Fuck Off Immegrants” Yes even with my slight dyslexia I could see both his soul, the essence of the campaign and its link with the far right and the Brexit campaign. I could have countered him with all the statistics in the world, told him to read books, learn history and reflect...but I saw it all in one glance at his soul. That is my emotional response and I am proud of it. All of us Paul came out of Africa........

As for heath Statistics I will say  

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