But Orcs and Trolls spoke as they would, without love of words or things; and their language was actually more degraded and filthy than I have shown it. I do not support that any will wish for a closer rendering, though models are easy to find. Much the same sort of talk can still be heard among the orc-minded; dreary and repetitive with hatred and contempt, too long removed from good to retain even verbal vigor, save in the ears of those to whom only the squalidsounds strong.
—J. R. R. Tolkien, Appendix F of The Return of the King
The OK Hand Sign, emojified as 👌🏻, is a dogwhistle that alt-righters use to show that they are alt-right without explicitly stating it, echoing both Trump's and Pepe's usage of the sign.[1] The alt-right use originated as bait for a /pol/ "prank" or trolling attempt,[2] but as the media failed to fall into the trap, its usage rapidly shed whatever irony it had. As of January 2018, Snopes has listed the symbol as ambiguous as to whether it is an alt-right symbol or alt-right trolling.[3] The sign is also used relatively innocuously in the "Circle Game".[4]
Milk, emojified as 🥛, is another dogwhistle similar to 👌🏻.
🐸 is the emoji form of Pepe.
See the main articles on this topic: Triple parentheses and International Jewish ConspiracyTriple parentheses (also (((echoes))) or coincidence markers) are used to highlight those of Jewish or partial Jewish ancestry, as such: (((NAME))). Users of triple parentheses allege that triple parentheses highlight how much control Jews have over the world, which bears close resemblance to the "International Jewish Conspiracy" conspiracy theory. (Or: It's a convenient way to poison the well by smearing someone or something as Jewish, in a racist appeal to identity.) Nazi blog The Right Stuff calls these cases "coincidences" in which "Jewish surnames echo throughout history".[5] The hashtag #Cohencidence (which trended on Twitter for a while) is linked to the idea of coincidence marking, as a portmanteau of the word "coincidence" with the common Jewish surname "Cohen".[6]
Intentionally using triple parenthesis around one's own name (e.g. on Twitter) is sometimes seen as an act of defiance against the alt-right.
AryanPrincess1488 finds your accusation of racism deeply offensive." but now represents two H's (8th letter of the alphabet) to make "HH", for Heil Hitler.
) It is claimed that the 14 words were inspired by a specific sentence from Volume 1, Chapter 8 of Mein Kampf which is exactly 88 words in length, though neither Lane nor his publisher Fourteen Word Press ever claimed this and it is probably a coincidence.
In short: If their username has "14" or "88" in it and they whine about white fertility rates, get out the Nazi-beating-stick.
See cuck.
Ally points
The reward gained for virtue signalling. Ally points place the recipient slightly higher in the eyes of the leftist overlords. They are revoked at the first sign of disloyalty.
The alt-left (also CTRL-left) is a term that The New York Times claims was made up by the right to create a sense of false equivalence between the far right and "anything vaguely left-seeming that they didn't like."[7] The term was originally coined by Robert A. Lindsay to describe some on the far-left moving away from identity and social justice politics and moving towards focusing more on economic populism.[8] It also originated as a term used by centrist and moderate Democrats against the Far-left people within the party (as well as left-aligned independents) who support "progressive ideals" (like pushing Seth Rich murder conspiracies, praising Assad, claiming chemical attacks were false flags, and still denying that Russia meddled in the US election).[9][10][11][12][13] The term has even been used by Hannity to describe mainstream media.[14][15][16]
The term "regressive left" is often used as a substitute for "alt-left" and a shitty insult for the far-right to use against the far-left ("see? the Left has crazies, too!"). However, the original meaning of the term "regressive left" was as a political epithet against liberals/leftists who allegedly fail to criticize reactionary or ideologically authoritarian elements within radical Islam -- or Islam in general, depending on who you talk to -- in the name of tolerance, multiculturalism, diversity and/or other forms of alleged Cultural Marxism. The term has also seen some use in leftists who are (seen as being) too friendly towards authoritarian regimes as long as they profess to be "anti-imperialist".
The alt-lite (or alt-light) is a subfaction of the alt-right that wants to steer the alt-right towards more (read: relatively) moderate Trump-esque grounds. The alt-lite hopes to use this "moderacy" to "re-take" Europe with candidates such as Marine Le Pen and Geert Wilders. The alt-lite thus hopes to abandon (overt) anti-semitism and racism, which upsets the conservative alt-right subfaction. "Alt-lite" is both a pejorative against alt-rightists who aren't racist enough, and a self-description of the Proud Boys subgroup.[17]
The alt-lite is willing to embrace most other forms of bigotry: according to the Anti-Defamation League, the alt-lite "embraces misogyny and xenophobia, and abhors “political correctness” and the left."[18]
See the main article on this topic: Alt-rightThe alt-right (also new right or dissident right) is the dominant group within the regressive right. The term is supposed to distinguish them from neocons, who are held to have betrayed conservativism by being globalists. The alt-right's fundamental beliefs are:
- Whites are under attack (from mass immigration) and nonwhites should be removed from white countries, where a white "ethnostate" should be established. This view implicitly endorses racialism and explicitly endorses nationalism.
- Men are under attack (from feminism and normalization of gay/trans folk), and an ideal "masculinity" should be protected. This view explicitly endorses anti-feminism and implicitly endorses homophobic and transphobic views that conflict with science.
- Language is under attack (from political correctness) and "offensiveness" should be acceptable (and perhaps encouraged). This is the alt-right's least controversial view; whining about the "destruction of free speech" is a powerful recruitment mechanism.
Many alt-righters are (literal) Nazis or fascists. This stems from the belief that the actor behind the above attacks is "The Jews". Those alt-righters who are not Nazis generally hold that Cultural Marxists and/or "globalists" are the ones pulling the strings. This conspiratorial thinking underlies much of alt-right rhetoric about the liberal media and an ongoing culture war.
The alt-right does not endorse any particular economic views, though they typically oppose economic globalization on the basis of "foreigners taking our jobs and controlling our companies" arguments against outsourcing and foreign investment respectively. As such, alt-right is essentially synonymous with "extremely socially conservative". Given that the alt-right and the Religious Right both whine about the same things, this isn't hard to believe.
Short for "Alternative South", Alt-South is a term coined by Alabama native, anti-Semitic racist, and Occidental Dissent writer Brad Griffin to refer to a sub-section of the alt-right that combines racial Neo-Confederate/Southern Nationalism with the tactics and ideology of the alt-right as an alternative to mainstream conservatism in the South.[19] The Identitarian organization Identity Dixie (aka "Rebel Yell") is an Alt-South group. Appropriately, just like the alt-right the "alt-south" has a glossary of its own.[20]
Alt-tech refers to "free speech" internet websites which are alternatives to mainstream internet outlets.
More often than not, these "alt-tech" websites are littered with typical alt-right content since many of them are "free speech websites", with Rightpedia and GoyFundMe being exceptions. Even though they don't explicitly identify as alt-right, they sure have plenty of users who endorse and/or push alt-right views. Unsurprisingly, so-called "alt-tech" websites are often vastly inferior to their mainstream counterparts.[21]
Some "alt-tech" websites (and their mainstream counterparts):
- PewTube (YouTube)
- Gab.ai (Twitter)
- WrongThink (Facebook)
- Voat (Reddit)
- Rightpedia (Wikipedia)
- Hatreon (Patreon)
- GoyFundMe (GoFundMe)
- WASP.Love (Dating website)
Amerikaner (a portmanteau of Afrikaner and American) is a term used in some alt-right circles to refer to (you guessed it) all white Americans (no matter their ethnic backgrounds) as having the same blood and ancestry.[22]
Anti-racist is code word for anti-white
See the main article on this topic: Anti-racist is code word for anti-whiteAnti-racist is code word for anti-white is a reference to a "mantra" that alleges that mass immigration is causing white genocide. The mantra begins:
It's about as stupid as it sounds. Similar phrases include "diversity is anti-white", "multiculturalism is anti-white", etc. The subphrase "anti-white" has become widely-used among the alt-right.
Attack helicopter
See the main article on this topic: Non-binary genderThe phrase "I sexually identify as an attack helicopter" and other variants of "I sexually identify as [something transparently ridiculous]" are used to mock people who claim non-binary sexuality or who believe that non-binary genders can exist. The phrase is often accompanied by a long shitpost about the rights the shitposter allegedly demands due to being [something transparently ridiculous]. Since the alt-right is a movement that partly grew out from chan culture, expect allusions to furries or otherkin. "Apache attack helicopter" is perhaps the most common phrase, as it features in the popular 2014 copypasta that coined the joke:[23]
I sexually Identify as an Attack Helicopter. Ever since I was a boy I dreamed of soaring over the oilfields dropping hot sticky loads on disgusting foreigners. People say to me that a person being a helicopter is Impossible and I’m fucking retarded but I don’t care, I’m beautiful. I’m having a plastic surgeon install rotary blades, 30 mm cannons and AMG-114 Hellfire missiles on my body. From now on I want you guys to call me “Apache” and respect my right to kill from above and kill needlessly. If you can’t accept me you’re a heliphobe and need to check your vehicle privilege. Thank you for being so understanding.
Someone or something that is based is considered to be authoritative, unbiased, and redpilled.[24] The alt-right generally describes anyone who promotes racism as "based".[25][26] The term gained mainstream usage through Gamergate's descriptions of pro-Gamergate YouTubers as "based", although it was originally used by American rapper Lil B the "BasedGod" in a different context; he defined the term that denotes a lifestyle of positivity and tolerance, a complete opposite to the alt-right's appropriation of the phrase. Alt-righters often pair the term with the adjective cucked: something or someone that doesn't accept alt-right views.
Interchangeable with cuck. Often used along with it.
The term refers to "beta male", which in turn means "not alpha male" - alpha male being a concept from the study of lions and other like animals, meaning the leader of the pack, who tends to enjoy greater sexual success. Like the word "cuck", it's probably intended to have humiliating sexual overtones when used to label men in particular. However, since the most obvious translations of "alpha male" into a human social context would be government leaders and CEOs, calling someone a "beta male" arguably just means "you're a male human being who isn't an extremely high-profile leader... at least, at the present time." Perhaps not quite what they had intended.
Black don't crack
While this originates as a statement related to the ageing process, the alt-right prefers to use it as a reference to the black brute stereotype, using "crack" as in "give up."
Blood and soil
Blood and soil is one of the rallying cries of the alt-right. It is a translation from the German Blut und Boden,a phrase which originated in German 19th-century agrarian nationalist-romanticism, and which was adopted by the Nazi Ministry of Food and Agriculture. Under the original Nazis, it indicated then that the original descendants (Blut) belonged to the land (Boden), and was used as a ideology to support the Nazi eugenics program and the Lebensraum ideology. Vanguard America, a white supremacist group, also uses the motto, "blood and soil". As a symbol, they use either an eagle with a Roman fasces
(modern symbol of fascism), or a crossed pair of fasces.[27]
Needless to say, the application of this concept by neo-Nazis to the US is absurd.[28] White people are not indigenous to the US. Moreover, white people do not share a unified "blood" as Hitler envisioned it, given that they don't share a "natural" language or "natural" culture – Italians and Swedes do not speak Italian or Swedish in the US, and only "pure" Anglo-Saxons can claim English language and culture.[note 1]
Sometimes used to refer to white members of the left, with the implication being that they, like Hitler's paramilitary Brownshirts (Sturmabteilung), will be disposed of by the rest of the left when they are no longer "useful".
Civic nationalism
"Civic nationalism" is used by the alt-right as a slur against those who put allegiance to nation above allegiance to race.[31] Andrew Anglin, owner of The Daily Stormer was criticized by the alt-right for this when he put an image of George Washington on The Daily Stormer's banner.[31]
Taking their coat means defeating someone in debate or banning them from an Internet forum. Putting on a coat is synonymous with taking the red pill. The terminology began when Trump suggested that a protester be thrown from his rally, without their coat, into the cold.[32]
A cuck is someone who doesn't hold alt-right views. It is used as a pejorative with absurd frequency. The term "cuck" originates from "cuckold",which describes a man married to an adulterous woman, in this context in the fetish sense: the implication is seemingly supposed to be that the recipient holds views they know are wrong but is too pathetic to do anything about it. Someone who is not cucked is instead based or red-pilled. There are also racist ideas attached to the term, in that allowing a non-white man to have sex with one's white wife is an unforgivable offense. So the term is applied to targets deemed to be race-traitors in any way.
A cuckservative is a conservative who doesn't hold alt-right views on race and immigration. Or: they are a conservative who is cucked instead of based.
Cultural enrichment
A sarcastic term used by the alt-right to mock those who think immigration from countries that aren't majority white or East Asian is not an inherently bad thing. The term is used as a euphemism for a terrorist attack or problems the alt-right believes are associated with large minority or immigrant populations.[33] For example, after the June 2017 London Bridge attack, a likely alt-right account tweeted:
Another day of cultural enrichment in Londonistan. Weaponised vehicles, a few dead people. Sadiq Khan’s Londonistan #londonattack.[34][35]
Cultural Marxism
See the main article on this topic: Cultural MarxismCultural Marxism (also Cultural Bolshevism or Kulturbolschewismus, in the original German and frequently what the alt-right is talking about when they say "The System") is a conspiracy theory in which the Frankfurt School (a body of Marxist writings) and critical theory (critiques of society, with some origins in Marx's work) are the products of leftists' concerted efforts to (successfully) sneak communism into academia and culture at large. In turn, the conspiracy goes, modern gender/race/sexuality/etc. movements are ultimately grounded in these communist writings – and so they are communist themselves. The theory is absurd. The Frankfurt School was obscure and had a negligible impact on broader society. The methods used by social justice advocates – analyzing society through lenses of class/gender/race/etc. – long precede the Frankfurt school.
Most often the examples of "Cultural Marxism" will be from the so-called "Science Wars",a period when a bunch of postmodernist critics who really should have known better tried using critical theory on demonstrably accurate scientific principles as if they were social constructs, leading to some truly bizarre claims such as Sandra Harding describing Newton's Principia Mathematica as a "rape manual"[36] or Luce Irigaray's claim that E=mc2 is a "sexed equation" that "privileges the speed of light over other speeds that are vitally necessary to us."[37] While this is a thing that definitely existed and still does to an extent, it is not and never was the all-encompassing conspiracy it is painted as, and many of those involved in producing the examples cited have stated they regret their prior work and acknowledge all they did was gave ammunition to reactionaries.
In short: social liberalism is actually communism in disguise, and the leftists know it. (Nothing new here!) Calling something Cultural Marxism is an easy way to dismiss it without actually engaging with its arguments.
People who whine about Cultural Marxism often attribute it to a supposed International Jewish Conspiracy.
Deep State
See the main article on this topic: Deep stateThe deep state is a conspiracy theory that there are a body of people who are secretly manipulating or controlling US government policy, and the President must serve their interests or else risk assassination.[38] It serves as a convenient excuse for the alt-right as to why Trump can't get anything done (e.g. It doesn't matter, the deep state are stopping him at all costs and he needs to make sure they don't take him out!).[39] Like many alt-right expressions, the term can be used as covert anti-Semitism.[40]
See the main article on this topic: DegenerateDegenerate, or degeneracy, is a common descriptive term used by the alt-right for anything they consider unacceptable in their ideal society.[41] The use of the word "degenerate" is an explicit reference to terms used in Nazi Germany such as degenerate artand degenerate music
Deus vult
Deus vult is Latin for "God wills it". Deus Vult was the battle cry of the crusaders. Use of the term implies that another crusade is necessary. Saracenis an associated term and was used by medieval Europeans to refer to Muslims, particularly Muslims in former Roman provinces. It's a pretty good sign you've stumbled upon an internet tough guy[42] or an alt-lighter attempting to use it in a memetic fashion to hide its racist intentions. This term may be a bit less trustworthy than others, and it may just be that you've met with an internet historian making a joke. Or both.
- Graffiti on a mosque.[43]
See the main article on this topic: Black bruteDindu is a portmanteau of "didn't do"; dindu nuffin is a portmanteau of "didn't do nothing". Both may be accompanied with he wuz a good boy or notes of requesting gibs ("gives," as in handouts or compensation). The terms are used as a noun to refer to black people and imply that they are inherently violent and stupid.[44][45][46][47][48][49] For example: "The (((media))) tries to portray dindu nuffins as good boys, but they have low IQ and enjoy crime".[50] The terms imply that black people often use these phrases to escape punishment.
Discussion club
A "discussion club" is a codeword for an alt-right meeting. The term abuses the alt-right's use of "free speech" as an all-purpose defense of their activities.[51]
Diversity (often mangled to dieversity) is a hated word in the alt-right.
- Diversity stands as a synonym for multiculturalism, also hated.
- Diversity is often claimed to be anti-white.
- Diversity is often contrasted with real diversity.
Dysgenics is the study of factors producing the perpetuation of disadvantageous genes and traits in a population's offspring. It is the antonym of eugenics. In alt-right-speak, dysgenics means "too few pure white babies."[52][53]
Synonym for alt-right. Often used to imply they're not actually white supremacists and are just doing all that stuff to shock the normies.[51] The tendency for this claim to be true is inversely proportional to the age of the speaker.[citation NOT needed] This word is also used in the wider internet culture as an insult to someone who attempts to be overly cool or dark. These people may also be referred to as "Edgelords," so as with Deus Vult, pay attention to context.
Fashwave is a fascist variant of the non-racist genre of electronic music called Vaporwave. While its songs don't necessarily have lyrics they make up for it with stock footage, catchy tunes, and cover art demonstrating Nazism. It's frequently used by alt-right outlets such as The Daily Stormer under their "Fashwave Fridays" block.
Fashy haircut
Hitler Jugend boy band member Richard Spencer discusses his hair care productshas short hair on the sides/back and long on top. It has been used by various people for various reasons (too poor to afford a haircut, gang identification, fashion statement). In the case of the alt-right, however, it has a direct link to the Nazi German armed forces (Wehrmacht) and Hitler Youth (Hitlerjugend), where it was common. In such cases it is sometimes referred to as a jugend or a Hitler Youth haircut.[55][56] One white nationalist, Nathan Benjamin Damigo, both sports the haircut and tweets under that name.[54][57]
Feels before reals
Claims that the opposite side neglects facts over feelings, attacking the argument without dealing with the claims of an argument. That this is an accurate descriptor of themselves is lost on the alt-right. See "Listen and believe".
Free helicopter rides
A meme where members of the alt-right "joke" about giving leftists "free helicopter rides" (read: executing their political opponents).[58] This is in reference to the extrajudicial executions (Death flights) during the Dirty War in Argentina and following the 1973 Chilean coup. Political opponents of Argentina's Admiral Luis María Mendía
and Chile's Augusto Pinochet were flown over the ocean in an airplane or helicopter and pushed to their death.[59][60] This meme seemed to gain popularity early in Donald Trump's campaign, when he gave helicopter rides to children at the Iowa State Fair.[61] To Trump's credit, he did not murder them.
Free speech rally
A neo-Nazi rally disguised with the thinnest of rhetorical veneers.
Gender studies
Used as a shorthand for any and all fields of academic study that the alt-right finds useless (read as: everything except racist pseudoscience). "Getting their gender studies degree" is spoken of as if it is some kind of rite of passage for the left. Also a not-so-subtle diss of feminism.
Get them out!
Get them out! was a phrase used by Donald Trump at some of his campaign rallies in 2016 to urge his supporters to evict protesters from the rallies. Trump is now being sued in 2017 for allegedly having incited violence at the rallies.[62] The phrase was also echoed by Trump in reference to undocumented immigrants, "We are going to get them out and get them out fast."[63]
Globalism is sometimes used as a synonym for globalization, but usually with overtones of xenophobia, anti-immigration, anti-Semitism (i.e., International Jewish conspiracy) [64] and general conspiracy theories.
See the main article on this topic: GoyGoy (plural: goyim) is the standard Hebrew biblical term for a "nation", but has also acquired the meaning of "someone who is not Jewish" (synonymous with gentile). In the context of its alt-right usage, the term is used in order to reinforce the idea of an International Jewish Conspiracy.[65] A common alt-right "joke" is to reply to assertions of shadowy Jewish puppet-masters by saying: oy vey, the goyim know, shut it down![66]
Those in the alt-right will refer to a non-Jewish person who opposes anti-Semitism as a "good goy". The implication is that they are unknowingly serving the eeeeevil Jewish conspiracy.
"The Goyim Know" t-shirtGreat Replacement
See White genocide.
Groyper is an obese frog (similar to Pepe) originating on 4chan in the /r9k/ board, created by user "Big Dog Groyper" on February 28, 2015.[citation needed] The /v/ board of 4chan later submitted a similar variation on March 25, 2016. Groyper would later gain popularity on July 28, 2017, when a YouTuber named Savickas uploaded a video titled "Groyper Mesmerizes you to sleep". The original image of Groyper is a fat frog who crosses his hands together. Since then the character has served as an alternative to the popular Pepe the Frog, as unlike Pepe, Groyper is not the intellectual property of someone opposed to the alt-right. He is notable enough to have received media attention.[67]
Happy merchant
See the main article on this topic: Le Happy MerchantLe Happy Merchant is a an anti-Jew meme used widely among anti-Semites and the alt-right. It depicts a stereotypical Jew with yarmulke, oversized nose, greedy grin, and "conspiring" hands. It is common to see the image edited onto left-wing political posters or to see liberal candidates depicted as Happy Merchants. In short: it's a meme-friendly way to Jew-bait.
The image itself comes from a cartoon by the pseudonymous "A. Wyatt Mann" (say it out loud), a pseudonym for either White Aryan Resistance member Wyatt Kaldenberg (who eventually renounced white supremacy and denies having anything to do with it) or more likely director Nick Bougas (more or less a race-baiting hipster who was known for producing "anti-political-correctness" zines). It was one of a great many cartoons produced during the 80s and 90s by the same artist, many published by white supremacist Tom Metzger.[68]
Where have we seen this before?Hatefact
According to the alt-right, "hatefacts" are "politically incorrect but true statements."[69] In essence, the term is used so that the alt-right can claim that those who deny their hateful claims are denying facts.[70] Such "facts" are supportive of either racialism, anti-Semitism, Holocaust denial, ethno-nationalism, opposition to diversity/multiculturalism/immigration, homophobia, transphobia, or anti-Muslim views.[69] The alt-right use “hatefacts” to present a narrative about the white world being “under attack.”[71]
See the main article on this topic: IdentitarianismIdentitarianism is a synonym for Nazism that sounds less Nazi-like.
Identity politics
See the main article on this topic: identity politicsIdentity politics, in this context, refers to any acknowledgement of racism, sexism, or other bigotry in a political discussion. The alt-right generally does not acknowledge that its own politics of white nationalism and "Christian culture" (or "secular culture" if they are atheists, which is held to be at threat from immigrants in general and Muslims in particular) are themselves identity politics.
It's 2018 [Current year]
Originating on /pol/ as a mockery of comedian John Oliver's supposed tendency to respond to regressive attitudes with "come on, it's 2015!" and possibly stolen from an article in The Onion titled "Report: Stating Current Year Still Leading Argument For Social Reform."[72] Used to characterize left-wing arguments as specious and only based on saying "we should be past this by now" without saying why, with the usual form being "after all, it is [current year]!"
It's Okay to Be White
See the main article on this topic: It's Okay to Be WhiteA term invented by the equally alt-right/racist /pol/ of 4chan, It's Okay to Be White is a propaganda campaign posted on various college and university campuses to get support from potential alt-right students. The purpose of this slogan is to provoke outrage in the hopes of proving society's supposed anti-white agenda.
The alt-right really doesn't like Jews. We cannot imagine why. Many alt-righters subscribe to the International Jewish Conspiracy conspiracy theory. In particular, the following terms are frequently used in alt-right groups, some of which are used by Jewish people and appropriated by the alt-right:
The word "Jew" and related terms will also be shoehorned in wherever possible, particularly if there is some negative association (eg "I just got demonetized by Jewtube!").
Jew media
"New media" that doesn't agree with the alt-right. See also Legacy media (also Liberal media).
Jewish question
The Jewish question (abbreviated JQ) was part of a long-running debate in Europe about the civil, legal, national and political status of Jews within Europe from the 18th through 20th centuries. It culminated in Nazi Germany with The Final Solution (German: Endlösung), resulting in the Holocaust. The alt-right has revived the term even though there are some Jews who consider themselves among the alt-right.[73]
Front cover of the Nazi tabloid Der Stürmerfrom December 1938 with the headline, "Ist die Judenfrage gelöst?" (Is the Jewish Question Solved?). This is the tabloid that inspired the name of The Daily Stormer.
Jews will not replace us
Jews will not replace us (often rephrased to the less-Nazi-esque You will not replace us) is an alt-right slogan based on the white genocide canard,[74] based on the "Great Replacement" philosophy of Renaud Camus(who has distanced himself from its use by white nationalists).[75]
You can hear the phrase in this deleted Baked Alaska video, starting at about 0:20:
Originates from World of Warcraft, where if someone from the Horde side typed "lol" in /say, Alliance players would instead see "kek." This is a further reference by Blizzard to the Korean "kekeke" laugh commonly seen in Starcraft. Used the same way by 4chan, later leading to the discovery of an Egyptian deity by the same name who happened to be a frog, thus linking this to the Pepe meme. The superlative is "topkek" or "top kek," which is a reference to a Turkish snack food.[76]
Kekistan is a fictional ethnicity that lets alt-righters use a Nazi flag as a "meme". Kekistan was popularized in part by Sargon of Akkad.
The Last Stand
"The Last Stand" is a song by the Swedish metal band Sabaton,the titular last stand being of 189 Swiss Guardsmen during the Sack of Rome in 1527 by unpaid landsknecht (mercenaries) in the service of Holy Roman Emperor Charles V. This last stand delayed the mutineers long enough for the Pope to escape to Castel Sant'Angelo.
What does the last stand have to do with the alt-right? Not a damn thing, really. However, Sabaton is notoriously difficult to understand without displayed lyrics due to the heavy guitar and drums, and "The Last Stand" is no exception. As such, the song is often interpreted as a song about the Crusades (due to audible references to the Holy See, and the first line of the chorus, "For the Grace and the Might of our Lord!"), not a song about disgruntled German mercenaries plundering one of Christianity's holiest cities because they weren't being paid. Entire videos are posted playing the song over footage from documentaries about the Crusades, and comments for every video of it on YouTube seem to consist of either people saying "Deus Vult!" (allcaps optional) or the (more likely ignored) people trying to point out what the song is actually about. It also seems to have become one of many theme songs for the alt-right movement.
If you're into metal, it's a damn good song. Just don't scroll down if you value your faith in humanity.[note 2]
Legacy media
Any conventional publication, such as newspapers and TV News, contrasted with "new media" or "alternative news" such as Youtube videos and Breitbart. Expect flimsy justifications for the latter being better, such as vague claims about "big money," "narratives" or "agendas," and probably sidelong references to Jews owning it.
Listen and believe
See the main article on this topic: Media was wrong beforeLügenpresse is a German word meaning, "lying press," effectively being fake news only more German and therefore better. Lügenpresse is used by PEGIDA, Richard Spencer,[51] and the like to mean "media that isn't white supremacist". The term was — naturally — popularized by your favorite Nazi, Josef Goebbels.
PEGIDA's use of LügenpresseMainstream media
See the main article on this topic: Mainstream mediaSince the mainstream media (also abbreviated to MSM) isn't filled with fellow neo-Nazis spouting the alt-right's conspiracy theories and talking points, they are clearly an enemy of the West and must be brought down! Funnily enough, Fox News isn't typically lumped in with the mainstream media, in spite of them being one of the largest news companies in the world. This shows that it is politics, not actually size, that indicates whether or not you are a part of the mainstream media. The mainstream media is also the subject of conspiracy theories such as being controlled by the Jews.
Make America great again
The lesser known slogan.Abbreviation: MAGA"Make Americahatewhitegreat again" was Donald Trump's campaign slogan. Although it's one of the most used terms by the alt-right, the slogan "Let's Make America Great Again" was ironically used by Ronald Reagan as part of a pro-immigrant speech.[77] Reagan, it should also be noted, also signed the law that gave amnesty to over 3 million undocumented immigrants.[78]
Mass immigration
See the main article on this topic: mass immigrationA dysphemism for any immigration to "white" countries from "nonwhite" countries (except when they're the honorary Aryans of East Asia). A precursor to One world government and white genocide and other nasty things. Never discussed when it is white people taking over "nonwhite" places in history.
See the main article on this topic: MicroaggressionAnything the alt-right thinks marginalized people shouldn't care about. Used in sarcastic apologies, like "oh, excuse my microaggression..."
See the main article on this topic: MisogynyDefined as "the forms of prejudice against women that no longer exist in the country I live in," or if they're really based, "something made up by feminists that never existed at all." When referenced, it will often be "creatively" misspelled as "muh soggy knee" or "muh sore 'giney", to signify that people who complain about misogyny are whiny and therefore wrong. A form of Oppression.
Moon Man
The Moon Man is the name given to a parody of McDonald's commercial mascot Mac Tonight, who sings racist parodies of rap songs in a text-to-speech program. Fanart of Moon Man usually features the death of black people.[79][80] Like Pepe, Moon Man was an innocuous internet joke for years before the alt-right existed.[81] Ironically, the original Mac Tonight character used an English-language version of anti-fascists Kurt Weill and Bertolt Brecht's "Mack the Knife"
("Die Moritat von Mackie Messer") song.
"My", in a manner imitative of a child complaining or of mock ebonics.[82] The implication is that whatever follows is meant to be viewed as whiny and stupid ("muh feminism," "muh oppressions" and so on).
See the main article on this topic: Multiculturalism(often "multiCULTi" or "multi-kulti")
A process aimed at destroying white culture because THE JEWS. Often asserted to be a "failed experiment" or treated as if it is a religious belief.
See the main article on this topic: Neo-NazismNobody in the alt-right is a Nazi and no one in the alt-right subscribes to Nazism. Not a one. They just believe that white ethnostates are essential, that preservation of the white race is the ultimate goal, and think that their enemies are Communist Jews. They also want a new Christian crusade, want to deny the Holocaust, and want to rally under a modified Nazi war ensign.
How could anyone not see the difference?Neoreaction
See the main article on this topic: NeoreactionNeoreaction (NRx) is the alt-right's "intellectual" elder brother. NRxionaries cite "science"; alt-righters cite memes. Neoreactionaries generally believe that social order requires strong social hierarchies (so class, race, & gender equality is right out) and strong leaders (which often leads to neoreactionaries supporting monarchies). For a comprehensive rebuttal of (notoriously longwinded) neoreactionary writing, see Scott Alexander's Anti-Reactionary FAQ.[83]
, which are decidedly less racist[citation NOT needed] and possibly more intelligent.[84]
Originated from the YouTube series Can't Stump the Trump mid 2015, where the track Centipede by Knife Party plays as the intro. The intro to the track contains audio from a BBC nature documentary in which a centipede is described as a "predator" and "nimble navigator", likening it to Trump himself in the context of the video.
It was quickly picked up as a meme by Trump supporters (especially /r/the_donald) and centipede became synonymous with Trump and his supporters, to the chagrin of entomologists everywhere. We're still waiting for them to realize that when abbreviated to "Pedes" it sounds like they're calling each other paedophiles, it's been over three years...
A 4chan term originating on the /r9k/ board as a (usually pejorative) descriptor for people and things that are mainstream. In alt-right usage, it generally refers to anything external to the alt-right universe. For example, in requesting anonymity an alt-right member stated, "I have a 'normie' [conventional] job and I don't want to get punished for this [interview]."[51]
Operation Google
See also Podesta email "code words"Operation Google is an ongoing attempt by alt-righters to circumvent Google's anti-racial-slur policies. As such, Operation Google is a code-word list of slurs:[85][86]
- Google = a black person
- Skype = a Jew
- Yahoo = a Hispanic person
- Bing = an Asian
- Skittle = a Muslim
- Butterfly = a gay man
- Fishbucket = a lesbian
- Durden = a transsexual
- Car salesman = a liberal
- Reagan = a conservative
- A Leppo = a libertarian
- Pepe = someone from the alt-right (not to be confused with Pepe as a meme)
In alt-right thinking, the series of exaggerated and / or imaginary disadvantages which collectively makes someone from a minority a special snowflake (see below). It is caricatured as a desired trait, since, in the alt-right's eyes, the amount of oppression you can successfully lay claim to (oppression points) will determine your position on the progressive stack. This is totally different to complaining about how you are persecuted by cultural Marxists for being a white heterosexual cisgender male, which is completely legit because shut up and kill yourself.
Oppression Olympics
The supposed competition for oppression points to determine one’s place on the progressive stack.
Our guy
Our guy, or /our guy/, is someone who represents the core beliefs and values of a community.[87] The term originated on 4chan.[87] On 4chan's /pol/ board, and in alt-right usage, someone is "our guy" if they are thought to hold alt-right or "red-pilled" political beliefs (either openly or in secret).[87][88][89][90][91]
Oy vey
See the main article on this topic: Oy veyOy vey is a Yiddish expression of dismay. The alt-right is fond of ironically using "oy vey", because it makes them feel edgy.[citation NOT needed] "Oy vey" is seen in "oy vey, the goyim know, shut it down" (implying that Jews are part of a worldwide shadowy conspiracy) or "oy vey, remember the 6 trillion" (implying the Holocaust was faked to guilt people into supporting some "Jewish agenda").
See the main article on this topic: PepePepe is a frog who likes to get high and who feels bad, man. Everything else is not canon.
Pol ("politically incorrect"), or /pol/, is the name of two political discussion boards on 4chan and 8chan. The board's stated purpose is "discussion of news, world events, political issues, and other related topics."[92] More accurately, /pol/ would be described as a cesspool of hate.[93][note 3] The alt-right use the board since it is one of the few places where they can hear about world events from the perspective of neo-Nazis, white supremacists, racists and conspiracy theorists.[93][94][95] The board's users have started "red-pilling" pranks and hoaxes such as the #EndFathersDay false flag Twitter campaign[96] and the smear campaign against cartoonist Ben Garrison.[97]
Political correctness
Anyone who isn't a raging homophobe, racist, sexist etc on the internet will get accused of this at one point. It is used to deride people for using more polite terms and phrases as being brainwashed by SJWs into using "Newspeak". See also conservative correctness.
See Cultural Marxism.
See Cultural Marxism.
Power level
How deep someone has fallen into fascist ideology determines their "power level". Internet Nazis often advise each other to "hide their power level" when speaking to those outside the fold, so as to avoid scaring away potential recruits with overt Nazi rhetoric or symbols. When a person uses such rhetoric in a public setting, they are "revealing their power level". The phrase comes from the Dragon Ballmedia franchise, and is also generally used on 4chan to describe one's knowledge of a topic, usually "nerd stuff" (so, in a non-Nazi usage, "hiding power level" may refer to not revealing too much about one's knowledge of video games, comic books, anime and other topics).[98]
A series of imaginary advantages that people from a dominant group do not actually have, or a veiled reference to rights that they should have which the left wants to take away. Used by the left to demand people "check their privilege," which is treated as a thought-terminating cliché.
Progressive stack
The perceived hierarchy of people in the mind of the left according to the alt-right, ordered by how oppressed they claim to be. People nearer the top of the stack are always right, and people at the bottom of the stack are always wrong. Groups they don't like are at the top.
Proud Boys
The Proud Boysare a less-overtly racist subgroup of the alt-right that was founded by Gavin McInnes (co-founder of Vice Media). Their emphasis is on "Western values" rather than being white.[17] A street-fighting subgroup of Proud Boys, called "Fraternal Order of the Alt-Knights" (FOAK), includes as part of its initiation process gang-style hazing.[99][100] Although McInnes told Proud Boys not to go to the Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, the organizer of the rally (Jason Kessler) had in fact been a Proud Boy who was interviewed by McInnes before the rally.[101] The Proud Boys in fact do attract the same men who are attracted to White Nationalism, those who think, "Our culture is better than yours. Our women need to stay home and make more babies. Our country has no more space for immigrants. We are being persecuted."[101]
- Alpha male Gavin McInnes[102]
#PunchANazi was a brief Twitter campaign staged by the alt-right to smear liberals as violent extremists.[103] The campaign consisted of showing pictures of heavily bruised women, children, and senior citizens (all white, naturally) accompanied by captions sarcastically stating that these people were probably Nazis and therefore deserved it. This was all done to convince people that leftists are insane fanatics who advocate violence and brutality against innocent people under the vague suspicion that they might be Nazis. The campaign crashed and burned almost immediately because it was too transparently dishonest for even the Internet to believe.
Race realism
See the main article on this topic: RacialismRace realism (or "Human Biodiversity") is a pseudoscientific (and ironic) euphemism for the alt-right's racist beliefs. Use of the word "realism" is meant to both imply that there is scientific basis to claims made about minority groups (despite the fact that most actual scientists have been able to find no such evidence whatsoever) and to implicitly accuse dissenters of denying reality.
Real diversity
Real diversity or true diversity is claimed to come from diversity of opinion rather than diversity of identity (sex, gender, race, sexuality, etc). The alt-right's use of the term is doubly fallacious:
- Sex, gender, race, and sexuality, and other attributes often traditionally associated with "diversity" are mostly physical. However, each of these is highly culturally important and will almost certainly lead to different experiences of society, economics, and politics. These experiences, in turn, lead to wildly different opinions. Other attributes – such as religion – have a more obviously direct impact on opinions. In short: promoting diversity of identity is, in fact, intended to increase diversity of opinion.
- The alt-right is hypocritical here. The alt-right virtually never encourages discussion with leftist thinkers – in fact, the alt-right generally encourages violence against liberals, leftists, and socialists. Ideologically, the alt-right generally believes in ethnostates – states founded on racial, cultural, and ideological conformity, rather than free expression and ideological discussion.
Red pill
Taking the red pill is synonymous with converting to alt-right views.[51] A red pill is something — news, text, meme — that justifies alt-right views. A red-piller is someone who has converted to alt-right views or someone who converts others to alt-right views. Red-pilling or dropping red pills is the act of recruiting people to the alt-right cause. Someone who has taken the red pill is based. Someone who has not taken the red pill is bluepilled or preferrably cucked. A hard red pill is an argument they think is really convincing.
The term is a reference to The Matrix, in which taking the red pill means learning the truth about society to which most others remain happily oblivious, while taking the blue pill means remaining part of the sheeple and believing that nothing is wrong. Alt-righters use this terminology as a means of advocating for (ironically enough) a more traditional way of life; in most cases, this requires the belief that progressiveness and social equality are the oppressive status quo and that the authoritarian bigotry upheld by the alt-right is subversive and revolutionary. That way, you can act like a fascist and still feel like you're speaking truth to power.
For humor: the term references a black manenlightening you about the flaws in the system in a movie made by two transgender women
. Or: alt-righters can't even watch The Matrix right.
Regressive left
See: Alt-Left
Remember the 6 trillion
See the main article on this topic: Holocaust denialThe phrase "oy vey, remember the 6 trillion"[note 4] implies that the Holocaust was faked to guilt people into supporting some "Jewish agenda". Anything of the form remember the 6 [X]illion (in particular, 6 gorillion) is a reference to this.
Remove kebab
See the main article on this topic: GenocideRemove kebab originates in a propaganda video (called Serbia Strong) produced by three Bosnian Serb soldiers in tribute to Radovan Karadžić,who was convicted for war crimes against Bosnian Muslims.
Someone produced a truly intellectual copypasta that begins:[104]
REMOVE KEBAB remove kebab you are worst turk. you are the turk idiot you are the turk smell. return to croatioa. to our croatia cousins you may come our contry. you may live in the zoo….ahahahaha ,bosnia we will never forgeve you. cetnik rascal FUck but fuck asshole turk stink bosnia sqhipere shqipare..
In short: "remove kebab" positively references the killing, expulsion, and genocide of Muslims ("kebabs"). And yes, they think it's edgy.[105][106] The proper response may be found in Polandball.[107]
RWDS is an acronym for Right Wing Death Squads.[108] Alt-righters hope for right wing death squads so that their enemies (communists, black people, Muslims and Jews) can be killed.[109] Like many alt-right memes it is indistinguishable from parody and therefore can be misinterpreted as a joke.[110]
See the main article on this topic: Donald TrumpThings or people the alt-right dislikes are Sad! and therefore cucked. The term originates with Donald Trump's Tweet style.[32] "Sad!" is also used by anti-Trumpers in an ironic sense.
Safe space
See the main article on this topic: Trigger warningThe concept of a safe space is used and exaggerated by the Alt-Right to decry liberals as being oversensitive, easily defeated, over-emotional wrecks – despite the fact that, by doing so, AR supporters are guilty of the same behavior they are condemning (that is, demanding that others change their behavior based on how it makes them feel.) Telling someone to "go back to your safe space" is used by the alt-right to signal they have run out of actual arguments.
See the main article on this topic: Evil JewThe alt-right uses shekel, a Hebrew word (with Akkadian etymology[111]) for money (and Israel's current currency), to imply that something has been funded by the Jews and is thus tainted.
Or more rarely shitlady. An alt-right internet troll.[51] The term has its roots on the left where it was used to describe, well, the alt-right, but it is increasingly worn as a badge of pride by them, in the manner of "yes, I'm one of those evil white cisgender shitlords." Edgelord is a similar term used in the broader internet community (e.g., manosphere, Gamergate, 4chan), which in addition to trolling includes deliberately offensive contributions to internet forums.
Shlomo, meaning peaceable, is a common Hebrew male given name. Those in the alt-right use Shlomo as a synonym of Jewish.[112][113] Alt-right trolls will often use aliases such as Shlomo Shekelberg on social media.[114][115][note 5] Such accounts often use the Happy Merchant as their profile picture.[116]
See the main article on this topic: HolocaustShoah ("catastrophe" or "calamity") is the Hebrew term used since the 1940s to describe the Holocaust. Alt-right website The Right Stuff has a podcast called The Daily Shoah, its name being both a play on The Daily Show and a deliberately offensive reference to the Holocaust.[117] In alt-right circles, shoah'd essentially means "shut down", and usually refers to the suspension of an alt-righter's social media account.[33][118]
Yair Rosenberg explains how those in the alt-right use the term:
On Twitter, whenever a Jew expresses concern about anti-Semitism or other bigotry, alt-right trolls invariably pop up to exclaim, “oy vey, it’s anudda shoah!” Thus, they trivialize both the contemporary concern and the Holocaust in one ugly utterance.[119]
See the main article on this topic: Social justice warriorAnyone who disagrees with a member of the alt-right in a manner that involves being less bigoted than them. Being a keyboard warrior is not required
See the main article on this topic: George SorosGeorge Soros is a rich Jew who supports liberal causes. As such, he is seen as a shadowy puppetmaster among the alt-right. In particular, it is common to claim that X protest or Y rally or Z person was "funded by Soros". Antifa (or more likely "the terrorist group known as (((Antifa)))") is a particularly common thing to tie to him.
Soy boy
See the main article on this topic: Soy boySimilar to "cuck", soy boy (or soyboi) is a pejorative term used by the alt-right to describe men on the left. It is based off the high phytoestrogen content in soy — phytoestrogens being plant-based chemicals that potentially have estrogenic effects when eaten. Estrogen is a hormone involved in female body development, but is also naturally found at lower levels in men. Alt-right men such as Paul Joseph Watson have claimed that consuming soy will make men "girly", even though no science has pointed to high consumption of soy "feminizing" men. The alt-right uses this as "proof" that the person they're talking about is a girly-man to mock and brush off. See beta.
Special snowflake
In short, "special snowflake" is a childish and condescending insult against those who vocally oppose or condemn the alt-right's explicit bigotry; more specifically, those who use the insult accuse the target of being a delicate, over-sensitive, self-righteous goody-two-shoes who expects attention and praise just for being themselves. This is despite the fact that the concept of "trying to be different for the sake of attention" is just as easily applicable to the alt-right themselves. Despite internet rumours on websites such as Urban Dictionary claiming otherwise,[120] "snowflake" was in fact not a Nazi term.[121]
Derived from the name of the satirical blog Stuff White People Like , a SWPL is a politically-progressive white person, i.e. a virtue signalling cuck.
Tiki torch
The alt-right co-opted the Tiki® Torch, an innocent barbecue torch, against the manufacturer's wishes and for their own nefarious purposes. Richard Spencer said, "We've really gotten into the tiki torch nationalism, we’ve embraced it, I love it."[27] The use of tiki torches by racists is loaded with irony because of:
- The torches and pitchforks trope,[122] particularly parodies such as Mel Brooks' Young Frankenstein.[123] When a mob using torches and/or pitchforks is going after a hero(es) in the drama, it often results in the shaming of the mob,[122] as was the case with the "Unite the Right" rally in Charlottesville, Virginia in August 2017.
- The word tiki originates from Polynesian languages. Tiki was a culture hero in much of Polynesia; among the Maori, Tiki was the first human.[124]
Peasants with Tiki® Torches who forgot their pitchforks — CharlottesvilleTriggered
See the main article on this topic: Trigger warningBecause the general consensus among the alt-right is "emotional equals wrong" (but only if you're a liberal), the alt-right have taken to using "triggered" as a term of abuse for anyone who disagrees with them for any reason whatsoever. Unfortunately, the term has also found use among those moderate liberals who claim to oppose what they see as the "regressive left", so this term alone doesn't tell you much except that the speaker is not particularly intelligent or creative and probably at least a little bit ableist.
Similar to Fashwave, Trumpwave is a political, pro-Trump (read neo-Nazi) variant of the non-political/non-racist music genre Vaporwave. Often than not Trumpwave songs have the same messages as their Fashwave counterparts which are: stock footage, catchy tunes, and cover art littered with fascist or, in this case, Trump imagery.
Virtue signalling
See the main article on this topic: WhiteknightingVirtue signalling is an appeal to motive that can refer to any condemnation of the positions of the far right. The term suggests that the condemner is just trying to look morally better ("signal their virtue") to other people. The term thus implies that nobody is really opposed to far right positions: they're just hating far-right positions for "ally points."
The term was popularised by James Bartholomew in an article in The Spectator, where he used it as a label for those who claim to support a cause but merely make a show of their supporting of it to others rather than doing anything which might bring about actual change.[126] In other words, it's what liberals and leftists would call performative allyship. Bartholomew's claim of inventing the phrase is false, however, since earlier uses have been found, including a thread on LessWrong from 2013.[127] It was later picked up by the alt-right and used as an ad hominem to the point of near-meaninglessness.
We wuz kangz n shieet
We wuz kangz n shieet mocks the claims of black nationalism about the race of the Ancient Egyptians. It implies that blacks are incapable of understanding history and thus make absurd claims. This hypocritically ignores the pseudohistory worship of the alt-right itself, such as Holocaust denial. Sometimes they even use it when nobody talks about Egypt and just say something positive on Black history before the triangular trade.
Weimerica (a pormanteau of Weimar Germany and America) refers to the alt-right's view of America as Weimar Germany. Often, alt-righters who use "Weimerica" will refer to the progressive trends in America and compare them to Weimar Germany for being not being white, racist and Christian enough.[128]
Western civilization
See the main article on this topic: Western worldAll that is good.
White devil
A phrase that often crops up when discussing the presumed internal thoughts of non-white individuals. This is an actual phrase used by the black supremacist Nation of Islam, but of course it's generalised to every non-white person thinking this way.[129]
White genocide
See the main article on this topic: White genocideWhite genocide is the idea that, on a worldwide scale, white people are undergoing a systematic genocide of their gene line and of their culture.
Since the people who promote it are generally racist idiots, "white genocide" mostly boils down to non-white or partially white people having babies. Or migrating. Or dating white people. Or existing, period.
White guilt
A mysterious force emanated by the left and manufactured at universities that makes white people disagree with the alt-right. Based on misrepresenting Western civilization as having done anything bad, ever. Usually brought up whenever somebody mentions slavery or colonialism in anything but an apologist tone. Basically, it's the new way to claim non-racist whites are "race traitors."
White knight
See the main article on this topic: WhiteknightingWhite knight is a pejorative term to describe men who defend women on the internet. The assumption is that they are looking for a romantic reward in return.[130][131]
White sharia
An extreme type of patriarchy wherein the belief that white women should be submissive to white men and that their sole purpose is to produce babies.[132] The Daily Stormer frequently pushes this idea in their articles.
See white devil.
You will not replace us
See Jews will not replace us.
Gallery of symbols and flags
The following flags and symbols have been observed at alt-right rallies in the US.
- Bonnie Blue flag — It was "first raised in Baton Rouge in 1810 in rebellion against Spanish rule and was never officially adopted by the Confederate government."[74] There is a Civil War era song from the South that makes reference to the flag and how its "single star" was joined by others through other states seceding from the Union.[133]
- Detroit Red Wings hockey team logo, as co-opted by white nationalist group Detroit Right Wings, apparently due to the resemblance with the Sonnenrad[134]
- Crusader Cross or "Deus Vult Cross," a heraldic device called a cross potent which was shown with four smaller crosses on banners during the Crusades.[74]
- Iron Cross — a 19th-century Prussian and later German military medal that formed the basis of the Balkenkreuz insignia used on German military vehicles since WW1. Not strictly associated with the Nazis since the form shown here is the insignia of the modern German army, the Bundeswehr: the most likely form to be used by Nazis is the WW2 medal variant, which superimposes a swastika on the centre of the cross.[135]
- National Socialist Movement flag[74]
- German War Ensign (Reichskriegsflagge), flag of the Imperial German Army from 1867-1918. Often used by German neo-Nazi groups due to its similarity to the banned Nazi-era war ensign.[136]
- "The Punisher", co-opted from a Marvel comics character[74]
- Sonnenrad or Schwarze Sonne (Black Sun) — an ancient Norse and Celtic symbol that was co-opted by white supremacist occultists as a symbol of a "black sun" that supposedly once gave power to Hyperboreans and held the power to regenerate the Aryan race, and used by Heinrich Himmler as a symbol of the Arthurian Round Table[74]
- Southern Nationalist Flag[74]
- Traditionalist Worker Party flag[74]
- Vanguard America logo[74]
See also
External links
- The Right Stuff (Fascist & Alt-Right blog) lexicon
- http://www.haaretz.com/world-news/u-s-election-2016/.premium-1.755115, Haaretz
- 'Cuck,' 'snowflake,' 'masculinist': A guide to the language of the 'alt-right', LA Times
- Decoding the Language of Trump Supporters, ATTN
- Alt-Right, Alt-Left, Antifa: A Glossary of Extremist Language by Liam Stack (Aug. 15, 2017) New York Times
- Flags and Other Symbols Used By Far-Right Groups in Charlottesville (August 12, 2017) Southern Poverty Law Center
- Note that English is not a "pure" language since Middle English was an admixture of different language families (e.g., Norman French and Old Norse).[29] Similarly, the English are an admixture of a variety of northern European peoples.[30]
- Actually, this is generally good advice with regards to Sabaton songs. Which is a shame, really, since a lot of their songs are quite good.
- This is due to both the default anonymity of those who post on the board along with its tolerance of extremist views.
- Referring to the canard that the amount of Holocaust victims is widely disputed
- Although names ending with -berg are often thought of as Jewish, they are actually of German origin
- The OK sign is becoming an alt-right symbol: First Pepe, now this. by Rollin Bishop (Apr—24—2017 04:16PM EST) The Outline.
- Anti Defamation League says 'OK' hand sign not a white supremacist hate symbol: The use of the signal has sparked a storm on social media by Andrew Buncombe (4 May 2017 12:18 BST) Independent.
- Did a White House Intern Make the 'White Power' Hand Gesture? An intern could be seen making the "OK" gesture in an official photograph with the President, but he denied he was making a white supremacist gesture. by Bethania Palma (Published: 4 January 2018; Updated: 5 January 2018) Snopes.
- Circle Game Urban Dictionary
- TRS Lexicon
- '#Cohencidence' Hashtag Trends on Twitter Thanks to David Duke, Assorted Jew Haters by Daniel J. Solomon (November 8, 2016) Forward.
- Alt-Right, Alt-Left, Antifa: A Glossary of Extremist Language by Liam Stack (Aug. 15, 2017) New York Times.
- https://robertlindsay.wordpress.com/2015/08/18/proposal-for-an-alternative-left/
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G8noaimoNzk
- http://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2017/08/16/what-is-alt-left-myth-215496
- https://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/post-partisan/wp/2017/08/17/the-alt-right-didnt-invent-alt-left-liberals-did/?utm_term=.9d3d73ec5065
- https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/vbbvbx/stop-saying-alt-left
- http://www.latimes.com/nation/la-na-pol-alt-left-20170816-story.html
- Here’s the best thing the media can do when reporting on ‘antifa’ by Margaret Sullivan (September 3, 2017 at 4:00 PM) The Washington Post.
- Sean Hannity: Alt-left media killed journalism in quest to bury Trump (March 16, 2017) Fox News.
- Sean Hannity: Alt-left media pushes Russia fantasy despite no evidence (March 14, 2017) Fox News.
- Gavin McInnes: What is the Alt-Right? by Rebel Media (Apr 7, 2017) YouTube.
- From Alt Right to Alt Lite: Naming the Hate, Anti-Defamation League
- http://www.occidentaldissent.com/2017/01/30/the-alternative-south/
- Alt-South Lexicon. Identity Dixie.
- Roose, Kevin, The Alt-Right Created a Parallel Internet. It’s an Unholy Mess., The New York Times, 11 December 2017
- https://blog.therightstuff.biz/2016/11/23/amerikaner-free-state/
- Know Your Meme: I Sexually Identify as an Attack Helicopter
- Based Ben Garrison? What are Those Red White and Black Flags, Goy?. Archived from the original at reddit because the referenced community was kickbanned for abuse.
- Steve 'Based' King Asks MSNBC: What Have Minorities Contributed To Civilization?. Archived from the original at reddit because the referenced community was kickbanned for abuse.
- Based Alaska™ on Twitter goes 1488. Archived from the original at reddit because the referenced community was kickbanned for abuse.
- A guide to some of the far-right symbols seen in Charlottesville by Matt Pearce (August 14, 2017) Los Angeles Times.
- Why do white supremacists hate Jews? Because we can fight them. by Danya Ruttenberg (August 16 at 6:00 AM) The Washington Post.
- See the Wikipedia article on Middle English creole hypothesis.
- See the Wikipedia article on Anglo-Saxons.
- The Brawler by Alexander Zaitchik (August 05, 2018) Southern Poverty Law Center.
- Decoding the Language of Trump Supporters [a w]. ATTN.
- Cucktionary Angry White Men.
- Londonistan: why is the alt-right so obsessed with a fictional city? New Statesman. June 5, 2017.
- https://twitter.com/leftisthunter/status/871144523501535234
- Sandra Harding, The Science Question in Feminism, p. 116
- Postmodernism Disrobed, Richard Dawkins, Published in Nature, 9 July 1998, vol. 394, pp. 141-143
- Conspiracy theories: deep state assassinated JFK & may be planning Trump's assassination Inquisitr. March 17, 2017.
- [2]
- ‘Alt-Right’ Fears ‘Deep State’ Retribution Against Trump Southern Poverty Law Center. February 27, 2017.
- The alt-right is drunk on bad readings of Nietzsche. The Nazis were too. Vox. August 17, 2017.
- http://i1.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/facebook/001/177/737/2a1.png
- http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-scotland-glasgow-west-38353706
- http://archive.is/4C1Xe
- https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/dindu_nuffin
- http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Dindu
- http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=dindu%20nuffin
- http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/dindu-nuffin
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fc7f5ve2o1I
- http://np.reddit.com/r/WhiteRights/comments/686cdb//dgwf7sx
- His Kampf: Richard Spencer is a troll and an icon for white supremacists. He was also my high-school classmate. by Graeme Wood (June 2017) The Atlantic.
- Trump, backers go full alt-right crazy BPI Campus. October 14, 2016.
- "Brown People" Are "Genetically Inferior" Trump Supporter Claims, With No Facts To Prove It Forbes. September 14, 2016.
- Does this haircut make me look like a Nazi? by Monica Hesse & Dan Zak (November 30, 2016) The Washington Post.
- A Haircut Returns From the 1930s by Alex Williams (Nov. 15, 2011) New York Times.
- Eric Trump's New Haircut Is a Little Too 'White Nationalist' for Comfort: Shades of Richard Spencer by Christine Flammia (Jun 26, 2017) Esquire.
- Nathan Benjamin Damigo Southern Poverty Law Center
- Rick Perlstein: The alt-right is gunning for anti-Trump protesters Newsweek. April 30, 2017.
- Get to Know the Memes of the Alt-Right and Never Miss a Dog-Whistle Again Vice. January 26, 2017.
- Reddit Backs Its Neo-Nazis Four Months After Banning Alt-Right The Daily Beast. June 30, 2017.
- Memeday: If Donald Trump offers you a free helicopter ride, say no We Hunted the Mammoth. June 17, 2016.
- Trump Claims Immunity as President From Protesters' Lawsuit Over 'Get Them Out' Comments: A Trump supporter accused of shoving a black woman says "he would not have acted as he did without" Trump's "urging and inspiration" (Published at 7:13 AM PDT on Apr 17, 2017 | Updated at 8:18 AM PDT on Apr 17, 2017) NBC San Diego.
- President Trump issues stern threat to undocumented immigrants: 'We are going to get them out' (January 25, 2017) The Week.
- Alt-Right, Alt-Left, Antifa: A Glossary of Extremist Language by Liam Stack (Aug. 15, 2017) The New York Times.
- What HuffPo Meant With ‘Goy, Bye!’ Headline On Bannon — And Why Twitter Hated It The Forward. August 18, 2017.
- WATCH: Anti-Semitic ‘Alt-Right’ Slogan Flies At Pro-Trump Rally The Forward. March 29, 2017.
- http://www.slate.com/blogs/future_tense/2017/12/04/groyper_the_far_right_s_new_meme_is_a_more_racist_version_of_pepe_the_frog.html
- https://www.buzzfeed.com/josephbernstein/the-surprisingly-mainstream-history-of-the-internets-favorit
- https://archive.is/LRe05
- Charlottesville exposes new threat for college campuses: extremist clashes Chicago Tribune. August 18, 2017.
- Meet the Alt Lite, the people mainstreaming the alt right's white nationalism Anti-Fascist News. November 3, 2016.
- Report: Stating Current Year Still Leading Argument For Social Reform. The Onion, 17 February 2014.
- Among White Nationalists, Catchy New Shorthand for the ‘Jewish Question’ by Sam Kestenbaum (December 21, 2016) Forward.
- Deconstructing the symbols and slogans spotted in Charlottesville (August 18, 2017) The Washington Post.
- Wildman, Sarah. "'You will not replace us': a French philosopher explains the Charlottesville chant". Vox. August 15, 2017.
- http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/kek
- Immigrants Have Always Made America Great (Jul 3, 2018) Becoming American Initiative (YouTube).
- See the Wikipedia article on Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986.
- NSFL warning: Moon Man fanart featuring the killing of blacks.
- NSFL warning: Kill A Nigga Tonight.gif [a w]
- Moon Man Know Your Meme.
- Mock Ebonics: Linguistic racism in parodies of Ebonics on the Internet by Maggie Ronkin & Helen E. Karn (1999) Journal of Sociolinguistics 3(3):360-380.
- Anti-Reactionary FAQ by Scott Alexander (October 20, 2013) Slate Star Codex.
- See this discussion.
- Alt-right trolls are using these code words for racial slurs online [a w]. Quartz.
- 4chan and /pol/ are launching "Operation Google" [a w]. Age of Shitlords.
- Is He /Our Guy/? Know Your Meme.
- Nivea’s ‘White Is Purity’ ad campaign didn’t end well Washington Post. April 5, 2017.
- How the alt-right trolled Triple J's Hack program over Charlottesville Sydney Morning Herald. August 17, 2017.
- Racists' under-the-radar recruitment Boston Globe. August 18, 2017.
- Bannon and Priebus's awkward moment not all it seems Nine News. February 24, 2017.
- [3] (WebCite archive)
- What the Harvard teens don’t get about memes The Daily Dot. June 7, 2017.
- Dylann Roof, 4chan, and the New Online Racism The Daily Beast. 29 June 2015.
- Alt-right Know Your Meme.
- #EndFathersDay is the work of 4chan, not feminists The Daily Dot. June 14, 2014.
- /pol/ Know Your Meme.
- The Rhetoric Tricks, Traps, and Tactics of White Nationalism by DEO (June 14, 2018) Medium.
- A new fight-club "fraternity" of young white, pro-Trump men is being formed, its organizers claim, to defend free-speech rights by "Alt-Right" leaders and engage in street fighting by Bill Morlin (April 25, 2017) Southern Poverty Law Center.
- Meet the New Military Division of White Nationalism by Michael Harriot (4/26/17 2:15pm) The Root.
- 626: White Haze. Transcript by Zoe Chace (09.22.2017) This American Life (NPR).
- http://www.huffingtonpost.ca/2017/07/06/who-are-the-proud-boys_a_23020006/
- http://www.wehuntedthemammoth.com/2017/08/24/nazi-trolls-launch-fake-punchanazi-campaign-to-smear-antifa-as-domestic-abusers/
- http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/serbia-strong-remove-kebab
- https://www.google.com/search?q=%22remove+kebab%22&tbm=isch
- http://www.dailystormer.com/tag/remove-kebab/
- http://i.imgur.com/tBvXITA.png
- Trump Joked About Assassinating Hillary Clinton, and White Supremacists Are Loving It Mic. August 9, 2016.
- [4][5][6][7][8][9]
- Alt-right trolls on 4chan couldn’t figure out how to vote for Donald Trump Mic. November 9, 2016.
- See the Wikipedia article on Shekel.
- Neo-Nazi Podcaster Mike Enoch Is Back — Despite Jewish Wife Forward. January 31, 2017.
- Example tweet: [10]
- Trolls, true believers and Trump: Decoding the alt-right’s nihilistic revolution Salon. August 31, 2016.
- https://twitter.com/Yair_Rosenberg/status/908112815428431874
- https://archive.is/TyEyK]
- For the Alt-Right, the Message Is in the Punctuation New York Times. June 10, 2016.
- Examples: [11][12][13][14]
- Beyond ((( ))): Three more ways to troll the internet's Nazis Tablet Magazine. June 17, 2016.
- http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Special%20Snowflake
- http://www.snopes.com/snowflake-nazi-term-holocaust/
- Torches and Pitchforks TV Tropes
- Film / Young Frankenstein TV Tropes
- How the Tiki torch was co-opted by white supremacists by Tom Ryan (August 21, 2017) TRT World.
- A Short History Of Torches And Intimidation by Sarah Bond (Aug 15, 2017 @ 01:04 PM) Forbes.
- https://www.spectator.co.uk/2015/04/hating-the-daily-mail-is-a-substitute-for-doing-good/
- http://lesswrong.com/lw/i6l/open_thread_july_29august_4_2013/9hlz
- https://redice.tv/red-ice-radio/weimerica-history-rhymes
- Nation of Islam Southern Poverty Law Center
- White Knight KnowYourMeme.
- Examples of alt-right usage: [15][16][17][18][19][20]
- "White Sharia" and militant white nationalism by Brendan Joel Kelley (November 27, 2017) Southern Poverty Law Center.
- See the Wikipedia article on The Bonnie Blue Flag.
- Why there are Detroit Red Wings logos at the Nazi rally in Charlottesville by Peter Hassett (August 12, 2017) Russian Machine Never Breaks .
- https://www.adl.org/education/references/hate-symbols/iron-cross
Tuesday, 2 October 2018
An Alt Right Glossary for beginners
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