Friday 20 October 2017

Through the Moon gate...someone has shifted the middle of the road

Choosing a world we want and a world still to win.....

Someone shifted the middle of the road..dramatically..
On Radio 4 I hear Lord Mandelson talk about how Tory Mps talk about a massive Labour win and the near destruction of the Conservative Party. He can't bring himself to praise Corbyn's achievement yet I can tell he recognizes it. Oh how the paradigm shifts.. new Labour is dead as the Tories stare into the abyss. As we glance into the depths we see the corpses of UKIP and the Liberal Democrats broken on the rocks. There were thrown the moon gate by the paradigm shift...welcome to the future..

When both George W Bush and Barack Obama warn of what is happening in the USA. We know what so many of us on the left having been saying about the significance of a Trump Presidency we know that the tide is flowing our way on the tide if history. Umberto Eco' s comment about eternal fascism is most apt.When George Bush talks about bigotry, bullying and humiliation being used in public life we all know that the stench of Weimar hangs above the Washington skyline.
Fascism has come to the USA. We warned you; I warned you and many others warned you. From Farage, through Lepen to Trump and Putin the spectre haunting the West is the revenant of Fascism. The words are there; the AFD in Germany reuse the fascist form of the word "volk". It's been used in English by Farage and by Trump using the phrase "America First " . I saw it used on social media talking about " British National intetezt". It's a code for "white, strsight; conservative and conforming". It's about fear and loathing ; it's about right wing nationalism, support for the "free market" and globalisation. It's about the myth of the nuclear family and it's about supporting a narrow education that is about creating a docile work force . Yep Fascism is here and only a Left popular front can defeat it ..there is no middle ground any more...we all have to choose the world we want and the world we wish to win...

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