Friday 21 October 2016

Age checking in 1381 and 2016 Dental l Tests they work?

In 1381 the Poll tax was introduced throughout the Kingdom of England. Every adult was over the age of 18 was liable to the tax. Tax inspectors visited every family in every village through the length and breadth of the kingdom. If a child looked a bit older than was clammed the inspectors asked that they removed their trousers or smock. If more than three pubic hairs were revealed the individual was classified as being over 18 and was liable for tax. Historical research have revealed that the committee who set up this method are ancestors of a certain MP for Monmouth and large sections of Wales UKIP 

This all however led to a problem called the Peasanrts revolt of 1381

So does checking teeth actually work?

While Mr Davies said the tests would be "very accurate", experts have said dental evidence is said not totally reliable, pointing out it is possible to wrongly estimate someone's age by up to three years when making an estimate based on this criteria.
Professor of medical statistics at the Great Ormond Street Institute of Child Health, Tim Cole, told the BBC these tests were “very inaccurate,” saying: “If you test children around the age of 18, or three years either side, in this way, the results get one third of the ages wrong.

    The Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health (RCPCH) meanwhile said the tests are "imprecise" and "inappropriate", adding that there are health risks involved.
    A spokesperson for RCPCH told The Independent: “There is no single reliable method for making precise age estimates and the most appropriate approach is to use a holistic evaluation, incorporating narrative accounts, physical assessment of teeth, puberty and growth, and cognitive behavioural and emotional assessment.
    "The use of radiological assessment is extremely imprecise and can only give an estimate of within two years in either direction and the use of ionising radiation for this purpose is inappropriate. If not done for medical purposes it can be potentially dangerous for a child to undergo these X-rays."

So does checking teeth actually work?

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