Monday 26 June 2017

Rage Rage against the dying of the Right....

This week's Spectator had within it an article called the " Dying of the right* An opinion poll shows like a previous two a Labour leader in the polls. The Conservative parties impotency grows, events overwhelm it. Electoral scandals from 2015 intersect with a growing scandal about electoral law being broken via the secret Conservative call centre in Neath. The legacy of austerity is revealed in police cuts, safety for tower block dwellers and in the decay of public services. In Glastonbury " oh Jeremy Corbyn us sung by a vast crowd. The right wing press continues to reveal its irrelevance as Social Media becomes a means by which radical and left wing ideas are spread. Words not used for over 35 years are used in common speech. Inequality is discussed openly, and the government is over ruled on three issues by the courts. The imitative has shifted b back and the Blairites are confused and unsure. Tony Blair and Gordon Brown have not commented or have been seen in the month of June. Europe laughs at the Tory attempts in Brexit and the economy is seen now as more important that controlling migration. UKIP has vanished , Farage does not appear on programme after programme. The youthful Alt right looks narcissistic and put of thine. Their words like *snowflake*and SJW fade quickly. With their fake Oxford scarves and Anders Brevijk pony tails they become figures of fun to laugh they must hate it. repports of people singing "Oh Jeremy Corbyn" at Lords cricket ground and I imaginre a chorus of it as Boris Johnson enters centre Court at Wimbledon......


The paradigm has shifted in a few short weeks. Glastonbury reclaims it's political roots. Paul Masson takes on the Blairites in Progress and membership of campaigning organisations rise. The so called "libertarians" of the right begin to realise that the term was an adjective rather than a noun. And in any case many now see the term as merely a platitude for selfishness. Ayn Rand dies again with a stake made of Marxism and Socialism through the heart.

As Tiny Tim stands no one tells Vince Cable that someone shifted the middle of the road. The Grammar School will not return, the Fox us safe, the dementia tax is demented and the Tories wheel around May with sharpened knives. Within Labour there are many Damascian conversions to public ownership, workers rights and the value of the Trade Unions. John McDonnell begins a dialogue on a citizens income , devolution of power and a more plural political approach. Yep the right is fading and they are angry and full of rage. Welsh Labour remains as monolithic as ever and Scottish Labour still has a very long way to go in the nature of Scottish beds. The old boil of the Brit left waits to be lanced and the this old left must now recognises Welsh, Scottish, regional and Socialist lifeblood to continue its renewal . In North Wales a few bitter old men talk about new Welsh right wing nationalist party as if Neil Hamilton in the Welsh Assembly was not bad enough.. Rhun Ap Nuclear sniffs around Plaid Cymru and in Scotland Kesia Dugdale shifts uncomfortably about claims that she suggested a possible Tory vote in some seats.

The Tories have realised that they cannot give the billions demanded by the DUP without risking mass outcries in Scotland and Wales. Yep the right is dying part caused by hubris, part by the black swans coming home to roost and part by a Presidential Theresa May unwilling or afraid to face debate. The shell of the Tory party breaks and the decaying inner organs are revealed to all....the times they are a changing ....and the rot it is a growing....

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